A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- Sharing some short fiction
Published on April 17, 2004 By BlueDev In Fiction
I thought I would go ahead and post this little bit of fiction I have been working on. Will do so in serial installments. There are certainly things I would change were I to go back right now, but let's hear what others think.


War makes people do crazy things, especially when the war has gone on as long as one can remember. My mother used to talk of a time before the war, according to her I was born before the war happened. But I remember nothing of that time, and mom stopped reminiscing of peace by the time I was a teenager. Even someone so full of hope as her gives up after a while.

As I said, war makes people do crazy things, and I am no exception. With chaos spreading around me, taking advantage of every opportunity to spread its corrupting and decaying spores, I sit here and reminisce. With humanity falling apart, a corrupted and broken institution, I collect my thoughts on this day, the day the sun died.

Well before I had even begun my brief twenty-seven year vacation on this celestial orb (most people don’t think of the earth as a celestial body, but if I was looking at it from Mars, would it not seem to be such?) humanity had conquered space travel. Like a mold we spread to all the dark corners, creeping from the eyes that might spy us till there was nothing left. We ignored the parts of space that were clearly of no value, but we grew wherever we could.

The history mods presented it beautifully. I would have been so proud to be human had the war not already begun. By that time, though, the mods presented one thing, but everyone had relinquished all idealism long ago. The spore of humanity spread on the winds of anti-matter, traveling faster than light by opening holes in space and popping through, planting roots on whatever would sustain it, then spreading off again.

Of course, we learned what we had always suspected, that there were others out there. But, much to our shattered egos, they weren’t watching us or testing us. If they had been at one time, they apparently had decided that we were not worth the effort and had stopped caring about us at all. That was until we pushed them. Then they just let us push, they didn’t push back. We thought them weak, pathetic, pitiful creatures to not push back. Now I think they could have destroyed us at any time, they were just smart enough to realize what a waste of energy that would be and opted for the more thermodynamically stable state of acceptance.

Ah, but not us. No, we humans are so enamored with the second law of thermodynamics. Screw accepting the more energetically stable life, that would have kept us on earth. No, we push, force, we expend so much energy because we like to increase entropy! Well, today we found out just how hard entropy can come back around and bite you on the butt. Enough thermodynamics, its that crazy thing again.

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