So, I finally purchased Gal Civ II today (direct download version), received my receipt, opened SDC which automatically logged into my Stardock account and loaded my GCII serial for me (that was nice). I was able to preload the main game files, but had problems getting the tutorials, movies and media to download. A reinstall of SDC has fixed that so far (tuts downloading at ~340 KB/sec). But I also looked up my serial numbers and received that email. As I am a pretty loyal Stardock customer, there were lots of serials in there. Down at the bottom was the serial for GCII, which interestingly enough was different than the one in my original receipt.
I have registered in SDC with the one from the receipt, and have been able to download, but thought it was odd that there were two different serial numbers. Any ideas Stardock super dudes?