Okay denizens of JoeUser. This is something I have been wanting to do for a while here. I played along with this game on another forum and it was a lot of fun. Over there we had stretched it to over 2,500 replies. So I am asking you folks here to play along, let's have some fun with this. Here are the rules.
Each person needs to think of part of a lyric from a song. I will start it off with some lyrics. The next person to post adds some lyrics, the trick being one of the words in the lyrics they post must also be in the lyrics I posted. Then the next person picks a word in the on above them and post a lyrics with a common word, and so on. Does that make sense? So some specifics. Words like 'a', 'the', 'it' are discouraged, try to be more creative. Please put in bold the word in your lyric that you had in common with post before you. Do not post entire songs. It makes it too hard and there may be copyright issues. Try to limit posts to only one verse or the chorus, something small. But not so small that it makes it impossible for the next person. And it is always nice to include the artist and title of the song. Everybody game? Please? I will kick it off.
Floating high
In the evening sky
I see my faint reflection
Pale facsimile
Like what others see
When they look in my direction
"Earthshine" by Rush