A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- a liberating feeling
Published on February 3, 2005 By BlueDev In Blogging
For my first year here on JU I avoided using the blacklist. To be honest, it is largely because I don't attract the attention of some of the more contentious factions of our cyber-community here. But it was also out of some sense of having a high level of tolerance, of being able to "deal with it" or tolerate any behavior that might come my way.

Last night, as my wife an I sat in another training session for our new role as therapeutic foster parents we had an interesting discussion about tolerance and how it relates to our roles in this capacity.

Much to my surprise, we were instructed that having a high tolerance level would not only make our duties more difficult, but it would also make us less effective. We were told that if we start to feel burned out one of the first things to examine was if our tolerance level had risen too high.

Simply keeping quiet and tolerating bad behavior will only lead to more problems. We will eventually boil over and the eruption will be far worse than any efforts we might make to be uptight and strict. Suddenly a light came on. There are too many things in my life I have been tolerating, things I simply don't need to. And this has nothing to do with tolerating persons, beliefs, religions, etc. Rather it has to do with tolerating behavior.

And so I have elected to activate my blacklist in a pre-emptive manner. There are some regulars here who I see no reason to tolerate. It has nothing to do with their views, but it has to do with their behavior. They have exhibited behavior I find distasteful and that I am not going to tolerate in any way, shape or form on my blog. They can be idiots all they want on their own and other's, but no longer here.

So if you try to post, and find you cannot, now you know why: you have acted in a puerile manner and are not welcome here. Have a great day.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 03, 2005
Tolerance is bad? Are we allowed to say that? I was sure that was against a rule or something But on a more serious note, I understand the difference your stating, and it seems like a good way to put it. (and here's wondering if I'm blacklisted or not )
on Feb 03, 2005

I agree wholeheartedly on the issue of tolerance. I told my wife when our oldest was a toddler, "if it isn't going to be 'cute' when they're 13, it isn't cute when they're 2"...and thus, we try to root out the problems when they pop up.

(incidentally, good way to ensure responses....everyone'll be checking to make sure they ain't blacklisted...lol)

on Feb 03, 2005
You bring up a few good points here. I haven't been coming to JU for long, but I get the idea from most of the bloggers that the "blacklist" is nothing more than an oppressive means of censorship. I think you have a better take on it here.

We have been taught to "Love the sinner but hate the sin", and that, for the most part, is how I've tried to live my life. "Tolerance" has been expanded to somehow mean, "if you don't agree with what I do, then you must hate who I am." I think that attitude has done more to further divide us, than bring us together as people.

I know you only meant this article as a means of explaining why you plan to use the blacklist, but I think your instructors had a point about "tolerance" and what it really should mean.

(((((Now, as I hit the "post comments" button, I'll find out if I'm one who has "acted in a puerile manner". OH THE STRESS!!!! ;~D
on Feb 03, 2005
(incidentally, good way to ensure responses....everyone'll be checking to make sure they ain't blacklisted...lol)

I would never have thought of something so devious Gideon! That is why you are a professional points whore. *toungue in cheek of course*

Seriously though, I will tolerate just about anyone. But behavior is an entirely different story. I see no reason to tolerate disgusting behavior and just finally decided to take action in that direction.
on Feb 03, 2005
but I think your instructors had a point about "tolerance" and what it really should mean.

I think they did as well, which is why it actually stuck with me (my brain is getting pretty full, only so much room these days).

I actually, at one point, sat on the side that thought the blacklist was some severe form of censorship I was above using. Then I realized that since this is my blog I ought to be able to censor anyone I want. And I feel good with that.

And I hope the stress wasn't too much Ted!
on Feb 03, 2005
Just checking... hahahahahahahahaaha
on Feb 03, 2005
I have just one person on my sh#t list I even named blacklisting someone after HER. I do not plan on using my blacklist again, but it is a handy thing when people are behaving in a whacked out manner.
on Feb 03, 2005
I got over the idea that the blacklist is censorship REAL quick. I want comments, I value input, but I am also thankful that Brad was smart enough to give me a means of control over how much I have to endure on my blog site.
on Feb 03, 2005
random south park quote:

Tolerant, but not stupid! Look, just because you have to tolerate something doesn't mean you have to approve of it! ...'Tolerate' means you're just putting up with it! You tolerate a crying child sitting next to you on the airplane or, or you tolerate a bad cold. It can still piss you off!" -Mr. Garrison

on Feb 03, 2005
Hehe...that was a GREAT episode!
on Feb 03, 2005
I was thinking about that today, too. Weird.

I guess I'm not blacklisted, though from time to time I'm not proud of my behaviour. But I think if you or any of my sidebar people blacklisted me, I'd take it as a wake-up call and go on a bloggless sabbatical.

on Feb 03, 2005
Interesting take, BlueDev. I'm going to have a think about it--seems like a sound policy.

Will I get blacklisted if I mention last nights Wake/Duke game?
on Feb 03, 2005
on Feb 03, 2005
I love different points of views and a good verbal rumble... but I was not put on planet earth to be abused and misused either...

After being wished a horrible death and for my soul to rot in hell for eternity I decided blacklisting was a good plan.
on Feb 03, 2005
Now, as I hit the "post comments" button, I'll find out if I'm one who has "acted in a puerile manner".

If I remember correctly, when blacklisted you don't even see the form to type in to. It's like when someone has commenting disabled altogether, but it's just for you. (Yes, gentle reader, even I have been blacklisted in the past. Sweet, innocent me. )

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