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A blog without a cause
A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
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Published on February 21, 2005 By
When you can't put together a decent blog from a solid thought, why not just through together a crappy one with a whole lot of random thoughts? Seems like a good idea to me. Bon voyage!
Reading the first few hundred pages of "The Stand" while sick is a bit of a surreal experience. Reading page after page in which the slightest sneeze or sniffle is a harbinger of doom does funny things to your mind. *Sniffle* *Ah-Choo!* Uh-oh, am I going to die?
Nasal decongestant spray is evil. Evil I tell you. Congested, I made the foolish mistake of using some last night. It has been years since the last time I tried, so I forgot just how bad it burns. It burns! It burns! Tears streaming down my face, I tossed and turned for nearly a half an hour until I gave up. 800 mg of ibuprofen and an hour of Unreal Tournament 2004 brought the pain and my exhaustion to the right levels to finally succumb to sleep. That bottle went in the trash. Evil I say!
I don't really like being sick. And I have been pretty sick the past few days. But just when I think it really sucks I remember what it was like to have Dengue hemorrhagic fever. Sort of puts things into perspective.
In a couple of hours my wife and I will embark on the adventure of being parents to a teenage girl. Should be fun. I am scared out of my mind.
My wife is now officially full-term (38 weeks). The doctor said she is okay to go into labor any time now. History tells us not to get our hopes up. Circumstances tell us 2 more weeks would be really nice. Are you listening Big Al?
Our two year old is really growing up. Her sentences are becoming more clear and coherent, we have had multiple successful potty attempts now, and her personality is really shining through. It is loads of fun. Sort of sad too, though.
I am amazed at how disrespectful and juvenile some adults can act at times. Any Wincustomize readers who stumble here will know of what I reference. Oh, but I suppose the good old JUers have seen our own share recently, eh?
I got an email saying the invitations to Medical Families Weekend had been sent out. I keep checking the mail, but my wife hasn't got hers. Hmm, odd. Or perhaps this is just another example of Duke Med being myopic in their definition of medical student and family. The latter is the odds on favorite. But I'm not bitter, just pissed off.
I have had a couple ideas in the past few weeks for some really cool stories. I hope I can get them down at some point, before they become dusty memories.
People expecting their first child are cute. In a clueless sort of way. I was talking to a friend (also a parent of two) and she mentioned some folks expecting their first were upset that folks kept giving them "Onesies". They had 12 and were ready to start giving some away. Silly, clueless person. You can go through 12 onesies in two days. They also thought 7 outfits was enough: one for each day. I just laugh. Ha. Ha.
Finally, Shades, this one is for you. Good game yesterday, eh?
Until some future moment brings us together in a cosmic dance of electrons, I bid you farewell.
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Feb 22, 2005
I'll spray the house if I even see one mosquito...
Endemic, I mean endemic. (not epidemic yet thank goodness...) Apparently the edit function still doesn't work.
on Feb 22, 2005
Good luck on the two new ones, BlueDev. I admire people who are willing to take in teenage foster kids.
I loved this idea for your blog. It was great. Thanks for the great article.
on Feb 22, 2005
I was randomized once, with a broomstick....in a...a prison shower....it was terrible, and.....oh wait; RANDOMized! Nevermind.
2 Pages
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