A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- thoroughly and pleasantly surprised
Published on January 19, 2006 By BlueDev In Personal Computing
So our old desktop box has been acting very buggy lately. I knew it was time to do a clean format, and I was tired of old Windows98 on that machine, so I decided to give Linux a try. I was apprehensive, but thought it could be fun to try a little bit.

I was very, very surprised.

I have heard both the Linux fanatics and the naysayers, and generally sided with the naysayers. Nevertheless, having now given Linux a fair try I am quite impressed. I originally thought I would try Mepis, since I had used the live CD before and thought it looked nice. But I thought I would give Ubuntu a try as well. Downloaded the live CD and ran it. I was very impressed, so I went ahead and did a clean format and install on the old box.

It really rocks. Everything has worked without a hitch so far, with one exception: my Lexmark printer. That is having problems, but apparently this is a pretty well known issue with Lexmark and their closed-source drivers. I tried a method found over at the Ubuntu forums, but didn't work yet. However, not a big deal as I can always use another computer to print (and this desktop box will likely be getting replaced soon).

Gnome looks great, and it is really amazing the number of programs the Linux comes loaded with. I had no problem updating things to the most recent version, and here I am, blogging in Firefox. I can finally see how for some people, Linux is a very real, very plausible alternative to forking over big bucks for an OS.

Pretty cool.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 20, 2006
I had only briefly tried Linspire before. Didn't like it very much. I found out that UBuntu was giving away free CDs, so It thought: FREE! whoho! gimme gimme! (yea, I know linux is free, but it was the free CD part...)

Anyways, I installed Ubuntu. And I found it quite pleasing. I spent a couple of days working out how to set it up as I want it and I was surpriced how easy it was once you got around to understand a little how it worked. Well the credit should go tot he people setting up these automatic installers.

However, I can't abandon Windows as I need it for my work. And I like windows. But if I where to set up a computer that just run common eveyday tasks, like a livingroom PC, I'll install Ubuntu.
on Jan 21, 2006
I[m impressed that you know any of this stuff.....I'm curious, but not brave enough to ditch what I (sort-of) know for something else yet.
on Jan 21, 2006
I heard many good stuff about ubuntu. This is more of the same. I'm thinking about making an ubuntu computer evenually, just to play around.
on Jan 21, 2006
Xandros is not the closest to Windows..

ReactOS. http://www.reactos.org

It even looks like it and runs the programs.
on Jan 21, 2006
Ummm.... I didn't understand any of that computer lingo!!

Hope all is well!!

on Jan 21, 2006
Ummm.... I didn't understand any of that computer lingo!!

Yes, you have finally discovered my secret. I am a total dork.

But I love it.
on Jan 21, 2006

Yes, you have finally discovered my secret. I am a total dork.

Geek!  The term is Geek.

on Jan 21, 2006
Sadly Doc, I am both.
on Jan 21, 2006
Xandros is not the closest to Windows..

Wrong. I highly doubt that ReactOS has all the Windows Codecs built in and plays every media format out there. I also doubt that ReactOS reads and writes FAT32 and reads NTFS without some tweaking. Xandros also includes Crossover for running Windows apps.
on Jan 22, 2006
From what you just said I take it you didnt read the web site to find out?


* Codecs
* Music Composition
o Sk@leTracker (Music Composition) (licence: Freeware)
o Modplug Tracker (Music Composition) (licence: GPL)
* Video Editors
o VirtualDub (Video Editing) (licence: GPL)
* Players
o MPlayer (licence: GPL)
o Modplug Player (XM / IT / S3M / etc) (licence: GPL)
o Winamp (licence: Freeware)
o VLC Media Player (VideoLAN) (licence: GPL)
o Media Player Classic
o musikCube (licence: GPL)

Reasons for and against implementing native NTFS support

* Ability to use partitions used by Microsoft(R) Windows(R). This assumes that once a free, journalled FS has been developed for ReactOS that it will not be possible to use it on Microsoft(R) Windows(R) instead of NTFS..


* The specification for NTFS is not open, and so could never be guaranteed to be compatible with Microsoft's implementations.
* If an open FS (such as ext3, xfs, jfs, reiserfs) were given native/bootable support, applications would still talk to the FS. driver and should therefore still work. The underlying FS would be transparent, as long as the same security/permission mechanisms were present. Correct?

File Systems/Fat32

Full support in ReactOS is a high priority.

Here is your info.
on Jan 22, 2006
Sorry but I'm sticking to Xandros.
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