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Axiom cookies
-or- fortune my eye
Published on February 18, 2006 By
What happened to fortune cookies?
When I think of a fortune I think of some lame, generic, often undecipherable sentence that portended future happenings. You know, something about money, love, life, etc. Like a horoscope. Only shorter. And more vague.
But lately I haven't gotten any fortunes. It seems every time my wife or children and I get fortune cookies someone forgot to include the fortune. I get some oh-so-sage bit of advice or a wonderful "Confucius Say" tidbit of eternal wisdom. I don't get fortune cookies, I get axiom cookies.
And it bums me out. I want a fortune. Confucius say give me a fortune in my fortune cookie dang it!
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Danny Bassette
on Feb 18, 2006
I agree, when I eat the cookie I want a fortune, not words of wisdom. And I don't need lucky numbers either. Just put in a fortune that will be wrong but we can still laugh about it.
on Feb 18, 2006
The fortune cookies that I've been getting as of late, also include a series on numbers across the bottom.... for my strategic planning on Lotto nights, I guess. There's something a bit fishy about
which makes the fortune seem not proper.
on Feb 18, 2006
Danny and I both go to the same place, obviously.
on Feb 18, 2006
But even better is the little "Learn Chinese" bit on the back.
I didn't ask for an education cookie. I want to be an ignorant American! If I wanted to learn Chinese, I'd go to China
Keep your wisdom, Chinese, and crappy numbers to yourself. Give me my fortune!
on Feb 18, 2006
Reading this made me scour my purse for the fortune I got in a cookie this past week, which says,
"Look around; Happiness is Trying to Catch You."
It makes me want to slow down a bit.
p.s. As for the crappy numbers, we might play them today on the Powerball; we rarely do the lotto thing...but ya never know.
on Feb 18, 2006
"Look around; Happiness is Trying to Catch You."
That is cute. But it ain't a freakin' fortune!
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