-or- reaching an understanding
Religious groups (and their followers) often get blasted by people for trying to 'force' their beliefs down other's throats. And, often they deserve it.
I, too, have had the opportunity to share my beliefs with other people. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church), I served a two year mission, during which my main duty was sharing our beliefs with others. Some may think we are trying to force our beliefs on others. Perhaps some have that sort of attitude, but the majority of Mormons I know personally have a different motivation.
And, so, as I have and will have the opportunity to share bits and pieces of what I believe, I just thought I would mention the motivation behind it.
Quite simply, it is because I am happy. I have found something in my life that has brought me more happiness than I could have imagined. No doubt there are those who would chalk my happiness up to simply a deranged state of mind
, but I would disagree. So much of what I have in my life that brings me joy I have thanks to my beliefs and association with my religion and faith.
So, because I have found something that has brought me joy, I want to share that with others. I don't want to force it on them, I don't want to convince them, I don't want to cause them to change their minds. I just want to let them know about what has brought me joy, in hopes that perhaps it may bring them some joy as well.