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Gal Civ II, JU and you
Published on February 27, 2006 By
Whew, almost a week without JoeUser, thanks to that darn Galactic Civilizations II game.
(said in jest!)
It was interesting just how much I missed the interaction here. When I have the time, I really enjoy stopping by and reading the thoughts of others. I found myself, in my spare time, trying to figure out where I should go and read. Did plenty of lurking and reading on the WC forums, and lots of reading on the Gal Civ II forums (trying to figure out things I am still learning), and just generally seeing if others love the game as much as I do.
But I did miss JU. And I did miss you, my loyal reader(s).
Fortunately I had a fantastically addictive new game to keep me occupied, but that only worked at home, not during the many hours of down time I have at school on my current rotation. I have been loving Gal Civ II, and will be working on a write up of my impressions of the game, especially as someone relatively inexperienced in the 4x genre of games. So, be prepared to skip that article if you aren't a gamer geek!
Nice to have JU back, up and running. Thanks again to Brad and the rest of the Stardock crew for all the fun they provide. It is amazing just how much of my computer time revolves around Stardock stuff (JU, WC, GCII). Darn capitalist Brad! He is slowly plotting to take over the world. No wonder so many people hate him!
*Please note the attempt at humor in the finals line there! Also, please note the overuse of annoying punctuation smilies in this post! Also, please note whatever else you would like.
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on Feb 27, 2006
I note that it's nice to see you again too. Glad you liked the game.
on Feb 27, 2006
I'm not a gamer, yet. But I did miss JU when it was off. Glad it's back.
on Feb 28, 2006
I note that it's nice to see you again too. Glad you liked the game.
Thanks Cordelia! Yep, I am loving it.
But I did miss JU when it was off. Glad it's back.
Me too, but it is all good. Just nice to have the service at all.
on Feb 28, 2006
Hey dev,
I'm headed your way on the 16th for my long awaited appointment with Dr. Donituchi(?)....coffee?
on Feb 28, 2006
Hey dev, I'm headed your way on the 16th for my long awaited appointment with Dr. Donituchi(?)....coffee?
Definately. Drop me an email (petey.jones@gmail.com) and we can work something out for that day.
on Mar 01, 2006
Heh heh...Petey so funny!
on Mar 10, 2006
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