A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- Missing inaction
Published on May 10, 2006 By BlueDev In Blogging

I had such grand designs.  At least one article a day, finally catching up on article ideas I have had for a while now, regular participation here at JU.  But fate conspired against me. 

I awoke last week, the day after I had taken my final board exam (at least during medical school, plenty still to come in residency) and my muse had wandered off.

No where to be found, I have been searching high and low for that elusive little devil.  Oh, ideas have come, but when I actually try to sit down and write them out they just don't go anywhere.  It is disappointing, as I have honestly wanted to be more productive when it comes to writing, but I have to admit, I got nuthin'.

And the screwball behavior of JU lately isn't helping (I type as I sit here for over a minute, hoping my blog loads sometime today so I can actually post this. . . I promise, it isn't my connection.  Heck, I have checked multiple email accounts, read the emails found therein, used StumbleUpon to search a number of random site, closed Firefox, opened it back up, am now trying to access JU through it. . . I'd say that my missing muse is the least of my concerns when ti comes to blogging-or lack thereof-today!  Now, three hours later, I finally succeed!)

So this article will be dedicated to my missing muse.  May she return soon.

on May 10, 2006

chances are when you find her she'll be with my muse....been so clogged lately,  in regards to writing!

must be the spring air

on May 10, 2006
I hope the moose hunters did not get her.
on May 10, 2006

SHE?  You dare call her SHE?  Why you impudent mortal!  How dare you question your Muse!  They are who are, and need no gender identity!

yea, it happens to all of us.  usually when we are going "phfew!".  YOu just got through one.  Besides, if you keep up on the Trivia, I am going to feel like a loser!

BTW:  your muse is back!  They said hello and is not going to talk to you until you unwind a bit.  other than to give you ideas for blogs like this.  Hey!  Dont torch me!  That is what "it" said!

on May 10, 2006
My muse is almost certainly female - she sort of looks like Selma Hayek - and she is a fickle, cheeky inspirer of random thoughts and acts. She often wanders off, is easily distracted and often attracted to pretty sparkly things that have no real value.

I do hope yours returns soon, although maybe yours has had enough of the way JU has been acting up lately. I know mine is certainly getting towards the end of her tether, for sure.
on May 10, 2006

My muse is almost certainly female - she sort of looks like Selma Hayek - and she is a fickle, cheeky inspirer of random thoughts and acts. She often wanders off, is easily distracted and often attracted to pretty sparkly things that have no real value.

Somehow, that does not surprise me.

on May 10, 2006
Hehe, I am in the same case. I had lots of ideas of articles but they I couldnt articulate (type them down actually) them when I wanted to... I think it was because of the fever!

Good luck finding back your muse, and if you find one for me, I'm buyer!!!
on May 10, 2006

been so clogged lately, in regards to writing!

I hear that Trudy.  I think I am mentally constipated!

They said hello and is not going to talk to you until you unwind a bit.

Dang muse!  I am unwound!!!!!  Er, well, maybe she has a point! 

I do hope yours returns soon, although maybe yours has had enough of the way JU has been acting up lately. I know mine is certainly getting towards the end of her tether, for sure.

Like you, Maso, mine is most definitely female.  All part of the fickleness!    But I hear you.  The behavior of the site has really pissed her off.  Not me, of course, just my muse.


on May 10, 2006
gah!! double post!!!
on May 11, 2006
Actually, my muse's appearance was inspired by Selma as she appeared, as the muse Serendipity, in the film 'Dogma'. Life imitates art imitates life imitates art imitates...