Now, I know that material things really aren't the measure of how much you love a person. But, they can serve as demonstrations. And my wife just shocked me this afternoon. Big time.
Meet my new toy:

Yep. She brought me home an XBox 360. I had a suspicion that she was going to get me an XBox. But when I opened the bag and saw a 360, well, I was astonished.
I know that, for a lot here, that isn't probably a big deal. But this is for someone who has long loved gaming, but only has been able to play on the computer. I have never, ever had a console. Well, I suppose that isn't perfectly true. Many, many years ago my parents bought an Atari 5200. But since that time, nothing. No Nintendo of any sort, no Playstation. Nothing.
I am totally psyched. My wife is pretty amazing.