A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- feeling my age?
Published on July 14, 2006 By BlueDev In Misc
It is that time of year again. You know, that one day where some people try to make you celebrate that one thing you did all those years ago. That being born thing. Not that I really remember doing anything that day worth celebrating, least of all for 30 freaking years. But oh well. The kids like it, so I play along for their sake.

The rumor is they are pretty excited about my cake. Usually I will pick what I want (and it usually isn't cake-I am much more of a pie person), but this year it may have been that I am a bit tired (internship does that to ya), perhaps I am subconsciously trying to hide from the big 3 and 0 or perhaps it is something else entirely. Whatever the case may be, I didn't have the energy to pick what kind of cake I wanted, so I told the kids to surprise me. I look forward to what they come up with.

30 seems like something of a landmark. 20 just wasn't a big deal. I was on my mission, in the middle of Guatemala, and nothing special happened. But 30 just seems like a bigger deal. I always thought that people in their 30's were getting old. Now that is me. Getting old.

But only as old as I feel. Which, by the way, is pretty old today. Hitting that wall. . .
on Jul 14, 2006
Congradulations, Doc!

Or is that "Here, have some sympathy".

Been there, done that. Looking at my 33rd Natal Celebration come November.

And if you're only as old as you feel? I'm fast approaching the century mark.

Here's hoping it goes well!
on Jul 14, 2006
It's interesting to note the difference in how birthdays are observed in various parts of the world. In the United States, birthdays stop mattering after a certain age; whereas in Europe, birthdays are a really big deal, and stay a really big deal. I think it's less because there's something specific to celebrate and more because it helps to have something to look forward to. As life passes as fewer things are novelties, it's nice to know that there's something toward which you can count down. A time when it's appropriate for people to lavish attention on you the way you want every once in a while.

You've got me by a decade or so, so I probably don't understand you completely, but I understand a little. I guess there's nothing to do but to keep on living.

The Hazel Target
on Jul 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Blue!

And remember, you're only as old as you let yourself feel/act!  Me, I'm 24 going on 6 

on Jul 14, 2006
Happy Birthday! I just had mine too. At least you have accomplished a lot at your age. You have so much to be proud of. It's harder when you feel like life is passing you by and the only thing you did worth noting is popping out three kiddos.
on Jul 14, 2006

I remember my 30th - 20years ago!  It was the worst.  No longer a kid.  You knew you were getting old.

But 40 was a blast!  So look forward to that one.

ANd have a great 30th birthday!

on Jul 14, 2006
Happy, happy birthday, you old cuss.

I can't believe that you've reached that old age. What a guy!

Have you listened to my tuneage yet? You're the opinion I want most . . .

Hope things are going splendid at the ol' Dartmouth.
on Jul 14, 2006
Happy natal anniversary.
on Jul 14, 2006
Happy B-day Doc!
on Jul 14, 2006
Many thanks for the kind birthday wishes.
on Jul 14, 2006
Happy Birthday.

And don't think you are old! I'm a year ahead of ya, and it isn't so bad.
on Jul 19, 2006
I remember my 30th like it was yesterday and it was 12 years ago! My, how time has passed...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday, mate. You deserve it.

And remember; it's not you're as old as you feel but more you're as old as the person you're feeling
on Jul 19, 2006
Gosh, Happy Birhday Doctor!! 30 seems, to me, like a turning point in one's life I'm 29 years past that birthday now and understand how it feels like you're getting old, however! you're not getting old, you've gotten smarter, better, and are tops!