A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- only as old as you feel?
Published on August 3, 2006 By BlueDev In Misc

They say you are only as old as you feel.  Crap, I must be close to retirement today.

I decided that I was decidedly sick and tired of not having time to exercise.  So Saturday I resolved to start riding my bike to work.  I don't live that far from the hospital, only about 4-5 miles.  But heading to the hospital is, well, uphill.  All the way.  One long, uphill ride.  It makes the ride home a lot of fun.  But the ride up, well. . .

I'm feeling a bit old and weary after a few days.  The legs are a tad wobbly, the butt is more than mildly sore, and I am tired.  The fact that we have all been sleeping terribly at night (thanks to the extreme heat and lack of an air conditioner) isn't helping.

But last night I decided to go play basketball with some of the other residents.  It is important to understand something.  I haven't played basketball in years.  Literally, like 4 years, since before I started med school.

I feel so old!  My muscles are sore, I'm freaking tired, and dehydrated as can be.  But I can hardly wait for next week's game.  Gotta get back in the groove. 

I just wish it didn't hurt so bad.

on Aug 03, 2006
I played football and basketball a lot during my teen years. I also joined a gym to play in a basketball league, and I also used to play basketball at the playground on day on Saturdays. I could play all day.

A few years ago at a family reunion we all decided to play touch football. It felt great. I was proud of myself thinking I was in this great shape since everybody else was getting tired. After the game I was telling my brothers, "I can't believe how good I feel." Big mistake. The next morning I literally could not get out of bed. I swear it felt like every muscle in my body was hurting. I'm glad we only played TOUCH football.

It's great you are there playing, BD. Good luck next week.
on Aug 03, 2006
Man, oh man.  I can sympathize.  I thought I might cry, just a little, this morning when I tried to get up.  Sad how we get old and don't even know it sometimes.
on Aug 03, 2006
I can empathize. When I first started riding my bike again after too many years it took a long time to get back into condition. Of course recouperating from serious injuries didn't help much

Don't try to do too much too soon. Over doing it too quickly can cause injuries and set you back. Build up to it gradually. Riding a bike is a great way to build up the cardio condition without overly stressing the body.
on Aug 03, 2006
! Suddenly I don't feel so old anymore. I guess I'm part of a great club uh boys?!! Seriously though I totally understand and exactly what I was feelingnwhen I wrote my last blog. I've got to get back on that agenda again, exercising, so I've began to do a little everyday at my own pace til my body can catch up with my mind!!
on Aug 03, 2006
Je je je je je . . . you're old. No need just feelin' it, bro.

Hope you get feeling better. for what it's worth, as soon as I can get my motorcycle license, I'm going to start riding that all the way to work. That will be a sore butt experience, too.

sounds like you're really trying to stay in shape. Strong work, broham, strong work.
on Aug 03, 2006
The trick to not feeling it the next day is to stretch... if you feel it then, you won't feel it later!
on Aug 03, 2006
Mate, I haven't played basketball for, oh, must be 10 years at least. The very idea makes my muscles hurt. But it is winter here and it has me less inclined to do anything remotely physical.

I just wish it didn't hurt so bad

What, you think it is gonna 'hurt so good'?

on Aug 05, 2006

Riding a bike is a great way to build up the cardio condition without overly stressing the body.

I really do love riding.  It is a lot of fun.  Just need to get back in the habit.  The weather for the latter part of the week didn't exactly help either.

Seriously though I totally understand and exactly what I was feelingnwhen I wrote my last blog.

Heh, I read that.  I hear how you feel FS.

That will be a sore butt experience, too.

Ah, but it should be fun, no?

Mate, I haven't played basketball for, oh, must be 10 years at least. The very idea makes my muscles hurt.

I used to play every day.  Heh, not now.  Now I just hurt.  Well, okay, by today I don't hurt anymore.  But I still can't get my wedding ring over my jammed and swollen finger!