I'm a ho.
Really. I am. I am a HO.
House Officer, that is. And after 6 weeks of this, I feel like I am sort of starting to get the hang of things. There is still way too much I don't know, and I don't even know just how much I don't know at this time. But I am learning every day, and I am getting more comfortable with being a HO.
I get dozens of ridiculous pages every day. Some are from nurses who know better, but have to make the call anyway. Some are from nurses who should know better, and I am left smacking my head (at 2:30 in the morning) in frustration that they actually called for "that". But it is all part of being the HO on call.
We are fortunate here. We have some really great nurses, who can totally save your butt. Hence, I make sure I don't sound pissed off when they do page at 2:30 am for stupid things. I am learning that my reputation is one of my most valuable tools, and one to be guarded at all costs. So I try my hardest to be a HO who responds to what needs to be responded to, but also kindly and without being condescending, lets the nurses know that perhaps they could have handled that issue without me.
It is a tricky line to walk. Many of these nurses have been nursing for almost as long as I have been alive. Telling them what to do can be a bit intimidating. But letting them walk all over you jeopardizes you, big time.
But I have to say, I am loving it. Being a doctor is a blast, and I have met some wonderful people. And being on call isn't nearly as bad as I feared it would be.