-Wow, been a while. I didn't even realize how long it had been. Bad BlueDev. Bad!
-The doctor-nurse relationship is one of the most fundamental, wonderfully helpful and potentially damning relationships out there. Trust me. It is a fascinating dynamic, one which I intend to explore in a future blog. I suppose this is the teaser trailer.
-I love being a doctor (in training). My knowledge is surely lacking in many areas, but I already feel I have learned quite a bit and am much more comfortable in my white coat. I don't get that weird, disconnected feeling when I walk into the room and the patient says on the phone, "I need to go, my doctor is here."
-I have discovered a few truly brilliant musical gems recently. The album Second Life Syndrome by the Polish band Riverside is, in my not-so-humble opinion, one of the greatest progressive rock/metal albums recorded ever. Period. It is so good I vacillate between crying tears of joy and wetting myself with excitement. The album is orgasmic. Oh, and Stream of Passion are friggin' amazing live.
-My wife ran a half marathon yesterday, did great. She is now looking forward to a full one. I need to get moving. I would love to try the same some day. Alas, residency just isn't very amenable to decent self-care. Bitter irony.
-Went to another Halo 2 LAN party last night. A bunch of the residents here (most of them Mormon, but we invite everyone) get together every month or so and spend a good wholesome evening drinking root beer, snacking on Doritos, and killing each other without mercy. Bonding. It rules.
-Speaking of games, I am very excited about my sweet little 360. I don't think my wife realizes just how unutterably cool she is for having purchased me one. I am now an official gamer geek (yes, she even let me by an XBOX 360 sling bag to tote it to and from our frag fests). With Dead Rising just released, Gears of War, Halo 3, and a few others on the horizon, it is fun, fun, fun.
-As for the title of the article, I just thought it fit the random excrement of my mind that appeared above. Yes, I am on call, yes, it is a (blessedly) slow Sunday (my last call night ate me up and spit me out), and I suppose a little bored. Bingo.