A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- This empty house
Published on April 18, 2004 By BlueDev In Personal Relationships
This will be a first for me. Yes, this blog entry will actually be of a somewhat personal nature. Why? I don't know really. I just feel the need to get this off my chest.

My wife and two daughters have been gone for a little over two weeks now. They are back in Utah visiting family, especially my sister-in-law who recently had her first child. It was a great opportunity and I am glad they were able to make it back to visit and help out. But I am still stuck here in North Carolina.

And man, I am lonely.

Fortunately school has kept me at the hospital for 90+ hours a week, which has helped to minimize the pain. But how I miss their smiles, their laughter, their very presence. There are three very large holes in my heart right now, and the house just feels like a shell. They will be back soon, much to my joy. But I still miss them desperately. I long to just wrap my arms around them and hold them close. I hope I remember this, I hope I truly do hold them close, take and make time for them.

If so, then the pain of absentia will work towards a greater good.

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