A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- The third installment
Published on April 21, 2004 By BlueDev In Fiction
Supernova III

Pacifica had been tracking an anomalous energy signature through Cronos Prime, and energy signature quite like the matter-anti-matter propulsion we had developed. It was anomalous in that it was similar enough to fool our equipment into thinking it was a vessel of ours, but human observation failed to corroborate the electronic assumption.

Using the telemetry systems on the Pacifica the crew was able to triangulate the position of the energy signature. Pacifica followed, closing the distance immediately. As the leviathan of the electromagnetic seas came through the hole she was greeted by a planet and a people ready for our arrival. The Pacifica was flanked by ships that were fully powered up and fully armed. A huge flotilla waited them, numerous corvette class cruisers and dreadnoughts orbiting the planet.

I was only two when this all happened. I didn’t even know the difference between peace and war. But I have never forgotten the mod images of the Pacifica exiting null-space only to be completely blockaded by the Goran Armada. I am sure the Admiral of the Pacifica broadcast the sight to paint them and the hostiles. But never was a Goran shot fired.

After communication was established the Pacifica was instructed to peacefully leave the space surrounding Kul’k’tan (the Goran home world). The Goran Admiral offered and escort, guaranteed safe passage through the system, and wished humanity the best on her continued voyage, with the stipulation that the humans never set foot on Kul’k’tan, that we not defile their planet. A man full of bravado and his own importance, the Admiral of the Pacifica decided to teach the Goran a lesson by firing a full array of gamma torpedoes at what appeared to be the Goran flagship. The holo-mods showed the Admiral, a charismatic man in the waning portion of middle age, with a smile declaring that the torps be launched to protect humanity.

That was when the Pacifica ceased to exist.

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