We married almost 8 1/2 years ago. Since that time we have lived in apartments, in close proximity to others. Since that time we have owned a piano, and my wife has taught lessons. Never before has this caused problems.
Until now.
Apparently, our neighbors find anything more than playing once or twice every couple of weeks to be excessive. My wife teaches for about 2 hours an afternoon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Our daughter has to practice for a little every day for her lessons as well. That is it. We absolutely forbid playing before 10:00 am or after 6:00 pm, and make that even later on weekends.
This, according to our neigbor's landlord, equates to us playing "all the time". The wife next door is home all day. The playing drives her crazy. She just can't handle it anymore. And so, they have complained multiple times.
I just don't see how we could be more reasonable.
I realize there are people who have pianoes and play them rarely. We are not those people. We have a piano to play, to use, and to enjoy. And frankly, to expect us to only touch it a time or two every couple of weeks is ridiculous. I refuse to let some no-life moron push us around like that.
So we bought a house.
We have been looking ever since we moved here, but planned to wait until next spring or summer. But this closed door led to an open window, one through which we are jumping. Not only was the neighbor's landlady entirely unreasonable, she was an outright liar. I won't put up with trash like that. Our landlord is kind and agreeable on the surface, but bends like a reed in the wind when talking to others. Unacceptable. I won't continue to throw my money at them. They can find some other dupe to treat this way.
I have to admit, I am pretty terrified of the whole thing. I am also hopeful it will turn out well.