With the recent launch of the Playstation 3, Sony has been under a lot of scrutiny. Rightfully so in my opinion. Their incredibly arrogant smack talking right up to launch really bothered many consumers, myself included. I mean, having the nerve to state that (and I'm paraphrasing here) "The next generation of gaming starts when we (Sony) say it does" is just stupid.
Add to that manufacturing problems, a hugely delayed and underwhelming "global launch" (oh, I guess Europe is no longer part of the globe?), pretty pathetic launch titles for the most part (Resistance is really the only one that looks even slightly compelling, and after playing some Gears of War, slightly becomes too strong of a word) and the most bizarre (and disturbing) advertising campaign (as excellently pointed out by BoogieBac), and you have one big screw up (like I just wrote one big sentence!).
Ooh, but what about the Sixaxis? It has (drum roll) motion sensing!!! Forget the fact that you have to connect it with a mini-USB cable to sync it (on the 360 just push the sync button), or that the BlueTooth connection sometimes just doesn't work (many gamers report losing control in the middle of a game for a second or two). If you want motion sensing, just buy a Wii. Nintendo appears to have done it right. (Just don't forget to reinforce your wrist strap!)
But what about the graphics? you ask. Well, so far, not good news for Sony. It would appear that Fight Night 3 on the 360, which was released 8 months earlier, has already KO'ed Fight Night 3 on the PS3. While I recognize that is posted on TeamXbox.com, please realize they are reporting the press release from the company that hosted the event.
Well what about backwards compatibility (BC)? Backwards compatibility is the ability to play games from previous versions (PS1 and PS2) on the PS3. Sony trashed Microsoft for their incomplete BC, and loudly proclaimed they would have 100% BC by actually including PS2 hardware. By comparison, the 360 dose so via software emulation.
This appeared to be a big deal over the 360. To be fair, MS never did promise BC, and actually didn't initially plan on including it, but there are a lot of titles missing from the list. Opening the PS3 up to all PS1 and 2 games provides the console with an immediate game library. A mammoth sized one as well. This was a big point in favor of the PS3.
But, with most of Sony's promises these days, things aren't quite what they were supposed to be:
Let's look at the evidence: YouTube
Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but those images on the PS3 just look terrible. It almost looks like they are actively trying to alias the image. And it isn't just a few select games. Any game that wasn't coded for 480p is going to look like crap. Games coded for 480p will look all right if you enable progressive scanning. But my guess is this means a LOT of games are going to look like garbage on the PS3. Here is the evidence over at the official Playstation.com forums. Brilliant.
So, let's summarize:
- Better graphics: Hmm, not so far
- Simultaneous global launch: I suppose if you don't include Europe then, sure, okay.

- 2 million units shipped by the end of the year: Not even 1/4 of the way there yet
- Motion sensing controller: Motion senses, but to what effect in games?
- BlueTooth connection: Yep, one that flakes out while playing games
- 100% BC: I suppose you can play them, they just will look like crap
Well, add another item to the list. Sony just keeps kicking their consumers in the teeth. Then charging them $600 to do so. Sounds like fun.