6 inches. Snow that is. We had six inches this morning after having had it all melt. In fact, I mowed my lawn on Saturday. Then it snows six stinkin' inches. I'm not entirely surprised. I knew it would snow again. I just didn't think it would be as much as it was, nor stick like it did. But I am confident it will melt before too long.
Yes, I mowed my lawn. Just the front lawn. The previous owner hadn't mowed the lawn the entire year. It was, literally, 10 inches long in some parts. It was just an ugly, matted, brown mess. So I bought a lawn mower and went at it Saturday afternoon. Two hours, five 30 gallon bags of grass and 4 different directions of mowing later, and it actually looks pretty good. I have always taken pride in yard work, it is nice to finally have my own yard to work in.
I am getting sick and tired of being a Surgery intern. Internship is almost over, which is great. But mentally, I am done with Gen Surg. I am ready to move on to Urology. But I have one more year to do. I guess I better put on a smile and suck it up. Ugh.
Musically, I have about 20 albums I want to write reviews on. I wonder how many I will actually get done. I really do need to review Wolverine's Cold Light of Monday. It is, in all honesty, the most depressing listening experience of my life. It is hauntingly beautiful and powerful, but once you reach the end of "The Final Redemption" I just pretty much feel like dying. It is that powerful.
Rush has a new album coming out on May 1st. I think San Chonino and I will both have to review it. Bought my tickets to see them down in Boston in the end of June. It should be a wicked cool show. The new single "FarCry" is a great Rush tune. Head to Rush.com and listen to it. And while you are there, read the story of Snakes and Arrows, and you will realize just what a class act Rush are.
Been playing Crackdown a lot lately on my 360. It is a fabulous game. Being one with limited game play time, I don't mind that the main campaign can be beat in a relatively short time. I still haven't beat it and I am loving every minute of it. It is one of those games that just gets it. I gets how to be fun. And with a game, that is what matters. Just being fun.
Well fellow JUers, good to see you again. I have been lurking in the sidelines, and reading what you have to say. I just haven't logged in to leave a comment in a while. Sorry about that.