A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- a big Thank You
Published on April 18, 2007 By BlueDev In OS Customization

Christmas morning.  The anticipation is palpable.  Rushing into the room, gazing at the spread, tearing the paper off, and then getting down and playing with the new toys.  It is a great feeling.

To be honest, when a great, new Windowblind skin shows up on Wincustomize.com, the feeling is much the same. 

I see the new preview, check out the full screenshot, download the blind, then apply and start putting the blind through its paces.  I just love checking the Start Menu, the shell style, the "Please Wait" dialog, etc.  I don't have the skill or time to build my own, but I want to say a big Thank you to those who do and choose to share with us.

I tell you, a new WB skin is like Christmas morning.

on Apr 18, 2007
i agree completely.  
on Apr 19, 2007
I tell you, a new WB skin is like Christmas morning

And afternoon, evening....bc it doesn't stop with the WB, then you must of course customize the rest of your system.

It's My Secret

on Apr 19, 2007
The same with me, I am on Wincustomize.com 5 or 6 times a day, checking out the new Windowblinds, and all the other stuff.When I see something new I can't wait to get home and try it out.