A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- the sublime joys of acting
Published on May 6, 2007 By BlueDev In Misc

I can't help it.  I laugh out loud.

I realize that when one is just getting into acting, he/she has to take the jobs they can get, but imagine the look on good old mom and dad's faces when you sit down with them and pop the tape/disc in.  "Here is my big debut!"

"I have genital herpes."

"And I don't."

"And we want to keep it that way."

Oh, the smiles, the joy, the tears.  They must be so proud!  "Our son just smiled and told the world he has genital herpes!  We have been waiting for this moment our entire lives!"

I know, that is silly to say, but honestly, I just don't see myself jumping to pick up that job.  Talk about typecasting.  "He look, it's that guy with that one STD.  Which one does he have now?"  "Hmmm, let's give him the clap this time."  "No, no, how about crabs?"  "Ooh, I like it."

Thanks to those prescription drug companies, now at least we know how to prevent the disease we got from our last lay getting spread to our current.  Yipee! 

I realize I don't have much of substance to say on the subject, but every time I see those types of commercials it just flabbers my gast that people choose to be in them.  And I couldn't resist using the title I went with.

on May 06, 2007
well it sure got my attention!!! I couldn't imagine who'd want to advertise that fact. Glad to see you're doing ok in that department.....
on May 06, 2007
Here I was, thinking I had some sort of something to hold against you from now into forever . . .

But you do raise an interesting point. I know I would be proud of my herpes ads . . .
on May 07, 2007
I thought you were bragging (re title) till I read the body of the article
on May 07, 2007
LW: That's really sad.

BlueDev: LOL.

I always wonder that myself. Genital herpes, gas, female issues, erectile dysfunction...who wants to be the face of these problems?

I think the guy in the ad *looks* like he might have genital herpes.

I'm also not all that impressed with the ad since apparently if you have genital herpes you can still spread it to your partner, med or no med, outbreak or no outbreak. If that's the case, why push that angle (trying to keep your partner from catching your hair piece)?

Interesting article.
on May 07, 2007
I wasn't sure what to expect because of the title!! I've often wondered about people who do that type fo commercials too! I guess it's a way to make money, it pays their bills!lol! Even the ones about gas and constipation!!
on May 07, 2007
So, do they do something to prevent outbreaks in the expectant mother around the time she's due, or do they do a c-section? Or what?

And I agree, the ad is definitely misleading.
on May 07, 2007
I amk tired of, My Pussy stinks, My dick will not get hard, I have a STD, Commercials. when will the madness stop?
on May 07, 2007
That looks really painful.
on May 07, 2007
If you don't get prenatal care, then yeah, that could be a real problem.

I'm fairly certain that testing for herpes is standard for prenatal care, though, since there are various STD tests that are performed at the beginning of the pregnancy. What does a herpes test entail?

And those pictures...oh, wow. Disgusting and painful looking. Ick.

How sad for a baby to be covered in that.
on May 07, 2007

Well, LW, erm, uh, thanks for educating everyone on what genital herpes looks like! 

But hey, the whole point of pharmaceutical companies is to make us think they can cure all that ails us with a simple pill.  Just ask your doctor, thanks to Pfizer, Bayer, GSK, etc. he can make your world perfect.  Just a little pill each day.

on May 07, 2007
Best attention grabbing title I've seen in a while. Good job.
on May 07, 2007
Eh...noticed my lips were broke out in welps this morning and I wondered what the hell? Then it dawned on me -musta been caused from the lime in all those Coronas I downed this weekend for Cinco De Mayo. Heh, didn't even know I was allergic to limes...   

on Oct 24, 2007
I have a good herpes dating site. You are not alone and you can find others with the same herpes for love, friendship... Try http://www.STDromance.com