A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- How to hold up
Published on May 16, 2004 By BlueDev In Religion
Today I received a surprise. This morning I was asked to become the teacher for a group of 7 year olds at church.

Oh boy.

I am not too sure how things are done in other churches, but when I tell folks how we do things they act like it is odd, so I will briefly explain for the sake of clarity. In our church we don't have a paid clergy, rather we have a lay clergy. All those in positions in the church, leadership, teaching, facilities management, material management, financial affairs, and so on, are held by local members of the church. We all volunteer our time to fill these different "callings" (the term we use for positions in the church). We fill these callings temporarily, and are then released. For instance, one who serves as a Bishop (the presiding authority at the local level) is simply called from the congregation, assessed to be worthy to hold the position, and then serve for an average of five years. Once they are "released" from their position they are often called to another (just about every single member, unless you request not to, has a calling of some sort). It isn't uncommon for someone to go from a calling as a Bishop to then watching with the 2 year olds in the children's nursery. It is wonderful as everyone gets to serve in an incredibly wide variety of different capacities.

So the local leaders today called me to teach in the Primary (the organization for the children). Now, every Sunday, I get to work with and teach eight seven year olds. They are rambunctious, obnoxious, irreverent, and crazy.

They are also kind, generous, sincere, and full of joy and hope. I love them already.

I have worked with them a few times before as their previous teachers asked my wife and I to fill in (they were sick or out of town), and already feel somewhat protective of them. And the more I think about it, it really is a great responsibility. I have the opportunity to teach these open, willing minds more about Jesus Christ and the plan He has prepared for us. It is both tiring and rewarding, and should be lots of fun. I am sure they will teach me tons as well.

I only hope I can teach them something too.

on May 16, 2004

Good luck.

I taught 7 and 8 year olds Sunday School for a couple of years.  It was the hardest group to teach, mainly because they're too big for 'baby' explanations but not grown-up enough for teen/pre-teen stuff.  They asked difficult questions - like when I was teaching about Jesus raising someone from the dead. The story I was reading gave mention to one of the women at the tomb reminding Jesus that the body might smell bad.  The kids asked why there would be a bad smell.  I had to answer as honestly as I could without giving these kids too much info.  I fully expected to get calls from irate parents after that class, demanding to know why I had told their child that we all go rotten like old fruit after we die.  Actually, it was towards the end of teaching that class that I decided Christianity wasn't right for me anymore. 

Best of luck anyway...let me know if you need any ideas. I have tons!

on May 16, 2004
Thanks for the encouragement. It should be fun, but will certainly be a tiresome experience. And don't be surprised if I take you up on the offer for ideas!
on May 16, 2004
i'm in charge of the kids at my church and i think it's the best fun in the world! i hope you have the same experience. i find the best fun is when i chat with them as if we're the same age -- they like being treated as responsible people, and i love listening to the cute things they say in all seriousness.

enjoy it!
on May 16, 2004
Blue Dev! I take it then that you're LDS? From what I know, you described it to a tee.

I teach Jr. High at my church. I love my "babies" so much. (They're not babies and they know it. It's more of an affectionate term they'd never admit to liking...) I enjoy teaching this age group SO very much. My daughter is in Kindergarten this fall. I could not teach her age group though. Wow is it different. I vowed never to teach elementary again after VBS last year!

You think you're blessing them when you begin, when it's really you who's getting blessed. I'd not trade my jr. high class for anything. I'll be sad when they move up! God bless and if I can help with anything let me know.
on May 17, 2004
Thanks Teegs and Shulamite! Yep, I am LDS. At least I described it right, eh?

I am really looking forward to this opportunity. It will be tough for the next couple months as I finish off clinical rotations and am really unpredictable on Sunday's, but once that is over it will be great. Thanks again for the kind offers for ideas and such!
on May 17, 2004
And don't be surprised if I take you up on the offer for ideas!
Anytime....you can reach me at dharmagirl69@yahoo.com