A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- It still makes us laugh
Published on May 16, 2004 By BlueDev In Humor
It happens again and again. Every time I see it I wince. I wonder why it is funny, I know it shouldn't be funny.

But every time it still makes us laugh.

Face it, we just love to see guys getting smacked in the jimmies. "The family jewels', "the boys", "the 'nads", and so on. We have a thousand names for them, and a thousand ways to hit 'em. Kicked, punched, head butted, baseballs, hockey pucks, bats, golf clubs, and just about anything else you can think of. And we continue to find it funny.

It is in the movies, on funny video shows, commercials, and just about wherever you look. But why? I mean, really, why is it so funny?

I have been hit there numerous times. In fact I got so sick and tired of having my jewels jangled in sports that I broke down and bought a solid, good old cup. Not comfortable in the least. Not even a little bit. But hours and hours of cuppage are preferable to one ball blaster any day. So, knowing how painful it is, why does it still make me laugh? Is it because I am exulting in the fact that it wasn't me that time? Is it the way the body limply falls to the ground, or the glazed over look one gets when it happens? I have heard it said that a culture's sense of humor derives from a need to deal with those things that are taboo. So does that mean we all have some innate desire to run around kicking guys in the jimmies that we are just suppressing? Boy, I hope not.

I don't know why, but after seeing it a thousand times some of us are still laughing at it. At least, I know I still do. Maybe I am the sicko here.

on May 16, 2004

Not having any 'nads' myself I have no concept of the pain.

I do find it funny at times though, and yes, I laugh.  I don't know why I find guys rolling on the floor in pain, gasping for air like fish out of water so hilarious..I just do.


on May 16, 2004
Every morning I'm greeted by a little kid who runs up and gives me a hug...unfortunately if I'm caught off guard due to said kid's height this usually leads to being head-butted in the crotch.....not a good way to start a day. but how are you supposed to yell at kid for giving you a hug, and how would they correct this...."grow damn it!"

- suspeckTed

PS - I figure if we have to go through the pain of getting nailed in the junk from time to time the least someone else can do for us is enjoy it at our expense....I hate to think it was completely worthless.
on May 16, 2004
Sorry guys ..I realise it hurts.

But hell yea it is funny, probably more so because I know it will never happen to me

on May 17, 2004
dharmagrl-We are talking black out, drop you to the ground, make you dry heave sort of pain. It is seriously bad, and it just gives you this sick-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach feeling. And knowing full well how bad it hurts I really don't know why I still laugh at it. Odd.

But it is funny, one of the classic fall-backs for comedy. If nothing else is working, hit some dude in the nuts and you are sure to get at least a few chuckles, right?
on May 17, 2004

Another thing I don't get is how a slight graze can hurt just as bad as a full-on smack.  I've known guys reduced to tears over a girl touching them the wrong way. 

All I can say is that I'm glad I don't have nuts.