A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- A blogging first for me
Published on May 22, 2004 By BlueDev In Blogging
Wow, for the first time in my experience here I have officially been blacklisted. It is sort of fun you know.

I have to admit however that I am at a loss as to why though. I simply commented that Sir Peter Maxwell really ought to fire the peasants he had produce his latest show as the production wasn't fitting to a man of his standing in society. I stopped back in to see what other constructive opinions there were in the thread only to find my post deleted, a trite, insipid, and dull-witted comment about blacklisting people, and that I could no longer add a reply.

What a shame, as all I was obviously trying to do was offer some sage advice to JU's most esteemed and honored member. But I guess it just wasn't welcome.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 22, 2004

Say what??!!

You got blacklisted?  You, Dev, who to the best of my knowledge has never said a harsh word to anyone?

*shakes head in disbelief*...there's no justice in this world...there really isn't......

I'm going to have to raise the BS flag on that one.

on May 22, 2004

Think of it as the price to pay for inspiration.

Your blacklisting has inspired a weblog (by yourself), and will inspire replies of your readers (such as muself and Dharmagirl.)

on May 22, 2004
I just left a comment on the same post about him not letting success go to his head....let's see if I can get blacklisted too.......
on May 22, 2004

Oooh, can I join this gang too? We could make up a name for ourselves and have a secret code and stuff......

I've never been blacklisted before, this might be fun!!!!

on May 22, 2004
Hopefully, he won't comment on yours! I'm sorry to hear about the blacklisting.
on May 22, 2004
AWW Blue, sorry to hear ... but I don't even visit his site.

I went once out of curiosity, that satisfied never bothered to return.

So you aren't really missing much not being able to comment


PS oohhh a gang ....can I join too ..can I can I?
on May 22, 2004

Just do what I do when something goes wrong: Get under your desk in the fetal position and imagine happy thoughts.

on May 22, 2004
I see that our comments are still there....obviously we have to be more devious.....
on May 23, 2004
Well, this is the second time I mentioned I expected higher production value from one so wealthy and powerful as Sir Peter. Perhaps I upset him.

I iwll resign myself to no longer commenting on his blog I suppose.
on May 23, 2004
Get under your desk in the fetal position and imagine happy thoughts.

ive been doin that when stuff goes right

on May 23, 2004
Hmmm... BlueDev, Perhaps Sir Peter mis-interpreted what it was you said... He is a level headed aristocrat, I am sure he will come around!

carry on...

on May 23, 2004
Bluedev - I didn't blacklist you because you are an offensive person, I did it because you seem to be missing the point of the show - It is not about amazing production qualities, it is merely a bit of fun. It is not personal, it is more that I am annoyed at how some of my articles descend into negativity and insults which is terribly boring for myself and anyone reading. But maybe I was harsh in your case as I was in a bad mood, I have removed you from the blacklist if you ever wish to comment again, we will forget all of this beastliness. I will be writing an article later about my new policy and the reasons behind it, which will make it clearer why I am doing it. If you do not wish to comment then jolly good and I wish you well in life.

Dharma and Gerry - You are really not the type of people I am referring to when I say I will be blacklisting idiots. But I would like to suggest that telling me not to be big headed is a fruitless endeavour, a modest Sir Peter Maxwell is a Sir Peter Maxwell without testicles.

Gothic Impulse - You are the type of person I am referring to when I say I will be blacklisting idiots, for someone who claims to hate me you mention me in your comments an awful lot and never fail to get a snide dig in. Therefore you have been blacklisted, I wish you well in your blogging.
on May 23, 2004
Sir Peter - While I entirely understand the reason for the show, and find it to be highly entertaining as it is, I was simply commenting that higher production on the show would simple give it even more power and prestige for those who listen. Something I surely believe you deserve.

But as it is I will simply say thank you for taking me off the blacklist and hope that you understand my posting was never meant to take away from the show and its purpose, I was simply making a comment that I thought could serve some constructive purpose.
on May 23, 2004

Aww, there isn't going to be a gang?

I had made "I got blacklisted by SPM" T shirts and mouse pads.....


on May 23, 2004
Bluedev forget about it old chap, no hard feelings.

Dharma it would have been a good idea old girl.
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