A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- Let your wallet speak for you
Published on August 21, 2004 By BlueDev In Consumer Issues
We are all consumers. And we have an amazing amount of power.

The truth of the matter is there are a lot of lousy companies out there. Some of them we just can't really avoid I suppose. Sometimes it becomes a choice of a lesser of two evils. But often there are also really good companies. You know, those companies who really seem to appreciate their customers, are willing to listen to them, and respond appropriately. And when I find a company like that I like to let them know.

And I do that by purchasing their products or services.

We should all do the same. With the amount of terrible companies who treat their customers poorly and offer up sub-standard products we need to send a message to them that we are tired of it. Capitalism is great in that we can ensure the survival of companies we like by supporting them with our dollars. But it can also lead to the demise of great companies simply because our apathy prevents us from seeking those companies out.

But I have become so tired of being treated less than human that I refuse to do it anymore. I would rather spend the extra time and energy to find companies who will realize the power in the consumer and treat me accordingly. And I am more than happy to treat them the same way, with my loyalty, with my good word of mouth, and with my dollars.

I encourage us all to do the same.

on Aug 23, 2004
Capitalism is alot like democracy. Rather than ballots, though, the citizen spends dollars to support his favorite company. And same as democracy, apathy can lead to the wrong people taking the lead. Although.... unlike democracy (or is it?), the rich have more votes.
on Sep 06, 2004
I agree with the article. However, I think too many people are more interested in saving money or increasing their conveniance to worry about the quality or service they are getting. Also, people get comfortable with a particlar company in that even though they know it is sub-par, they are familiar with the company / product and know what to expect. They are reluctact to try a new company because it is unknown, even if the new company may be better.
on Sep 06, 2004
Very true zorven. I fear that is why far too many good companies end up vanishing: complacency.

So I try to do what I can. If I am treated particularly well by a certain company or business I make sure people know about it. I recommend anyone interested to check them out. I hope it makes some difference.

Thanks for the replies to both of you.