A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- So I'm not responsible, right?
Published on August 24, 2004 By BlueDev In Blogging
We see it happen every day.

Someone opens their mouth or sets their fingers to the keys without fully engaging their gray matter. Or perhaps that is just he way they operate, vomiting forth whatever will come. Of course the aftermath usually is more than they were anticipating, but that is most likely because they left out that crucial initial step. You know, thinking.

So the backlash comes. It is inevitable. Even the most well thought out arguments and comments will be offensive to some. But the person who thought before engaging their communicative tools knew that would happen. They had already accepted the possibility, the eventuality, the inevitability. Because of that, they don't feel the need to back-peddle, to cover their tail.

More often than not, though, the thoughtless person eventually realizes their folly. It happens enough you would think they would learn, but they just don't seem to. Instead, the moment the heat is on they whip out their wild card.

"But I was only joking!"

And for some bizarre reason they think this will remedy all. Yep, because they now can claim they were jesting all is right in the world. No one can be offended, because it was just a joke. Right? If someone does take issue, well, it must mean they lack a sense of humor, they are thin skinned, or they take things too seriously. I agree with anyone who says you need to have a thick skin. That is especially important on the internet where subtle nuances and inflections of spoken communication are lost. I generally think I have pretty thick skin, and when I feel offended try to take a step back, examine why I feel that way, and come back a little more composed.

But that doesn't absolve the writer or speaker of their responsibility. If you say something stupid, then come back an insist it was just a joke, you undermine your own credibility. The person who doesn't have the integrity to admit they were being an idiot doesn't have much to offer. I screw up. I have done it here, I have done it in real life, and I will continue to do it. But I hope I never try to convince someone my idiocy was a weak attempt at so-called "humor".

We've seen it before, and we'll see it again. Let the idiots who were "only joking" beware. Some of us are onto you.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 26, 2004
Bottom line is..Some jokes just arn't funny, and just might hurt someone. So "just joking" is definitely not always OK.
on Aug 26, 2004
Bottom line is..Some jokes just arn't funny, and just might hurt someone. So "just joking" is definitely not always OK.
on Aug 26, 2004
Bottom line is..Some jokes just arn't funny, and just might hurt someone. So "just joking" is definitely not always OK.
on Aug 26, 2004
Sorry... my Submit button didn't seem to be working so my above comment got posted 3 times
on Aug 26, 2004

I had a woman I used to IM with go off on me after the program crashed once

yup.  i lost count of the times when the other person crashed leaving me to proffer sequences of ever more contrite apologies--most of which just vanished into the vortex of lost messages--until id see the name light up again and have to concoct an apology for all the apologizing. 

jeeez luiz

on Aug 26, 2004

However, i found that hardly anyone can see most of my sarcasm when I write, so I try to keep that in mind when I write.

i seem to be missing the filter that stops most people from saying the first thing that comes into their heads.  luckily i cant type quite as quickly so im just a little less obnoxious on the page than in person.

on Aug 26, 2004
However, i found that hardly anyone can see most of my sarcasm when I write, so I try to keep that in mind when I write.

Boy oh boy, I hear you there. That is why I am going to start using "Sarcastic Green" when using sarcasm. Any thing meant to be taken as such will be green in my posts. Should help me out.

Manopeace-I agree that there are times that jokes are no longer funny. So we do what we can. We ignore them, we speak out against them, we do what we feel is right for each of us.

kingbee-Yeah, I somteimes have to just sit back and look at what I am reading/writing for a while to figure out the best way to say it. Not always easy.
on Aug 26, 2004
I am going to start using "Sarcastic Green" when using sarcasm.

Ooo! Great idea!
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