-or- A broken heart and a pissed off daddy
My daughter was very quiet this afternoon when I picked her up from her friend's house. I asked her what was going on and all I got was some silly answer. I could tell there was more, but I didn't want to push.
It was a rough evening. She told me "No" more times than I can recall. Fortunately I didn't get upset. When I asked if I she would lay down in the bath so I could get her hair wet and she answered with the word of the day I quietly said "Okay" and left the bathroom. I went and kept working on dinner and she sat there in the bath. I think she figured out that I was just doing what she had said, and that what she had said was pretty dumb.
But at dinner it all came out. My wife got home and suddenly there must have been enough estrogen in the room. She started crying, talking about how her two friends were mean to her.
And I just about lost it.
It broke my heart to sit there and listen to my sweet daughter talk about her friends writing unkind things about her. Sure, she can be a snot sometimes. Is there a child that isn't? But she really is a sweet girl. Just this weekend she spent hours drawing pictures and then writing things on them such as "I love you" for both of these friends. I just hurt watching the tears run down her face, her lower lip quivering.
But at the same time I was furious. It is so hard as a parent to sit there, see that someone is hurting your child like this, and help her understand that it just happens. They apologized to her, and we tried to help her understand that she needed to forgive them. As young as she is I really think she got it. And she seemed okay about things after we talked.
I wish I was. Just writing about it hurts my heart.