A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- some background
Published on October 19, 2004 By BlueDev In Misc
I have mentioned previously that I spent a couple of years in Guatemala. I had some powerful, crazy, and fun experiences while I was there, many that I have be bouncing around in my head as ideas for things to write about. But I felt that to avoid unnecessary explanations in the future I would write a quick article that could serve as background and would pre-emptively address some of the questions that might pop up.

I went to Guatemala as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (often known by the nickname The Mormon Church). As missionaries we serve two years. We are eligible to begin our service when we are 19 years old, though some choose to serve a few years later. This service isn't mandatory, but all young men are encouraged to go. It is necessary to be living to a certain degree of worthiness to be allowed to go. We do not elect to our are of service, rather we are "called" to serve in different places all over the world. Once called to that geographic area, that mission, you remain there for the duration of the two years.

Prior to actually making it the mission we spend a few weeks in a Missionary Training Center (the largest is in Provo, Utah but there are others throughout the world). Those who are going to English speaking missions only stay there about 3 weeks. Those who are going to foreign speaking missions stay there just shy of 9 (long, long) weeks. We learn the language, study the scriptures, and basically learn how to best serve.

As missionaries we share our beliefs and message with others. We invite them to learn more if they choose, if not we try to be their friends. We help the members of The Church where we are, and we offer whatever service we can (varied things like manual labor, teaching English classes at schools, moving, cutting wood, and just about anything we can do). We work pretty hard, our days starting at 6:00, studying and getting ready for the day until 9:30. Then out the door, working until about 9:00 pm when we come in for dinner. Throw in a lunch there when you can. Finish up the night, call the appropriate people, lights out by 10:30.

We serve as companionships, always at least 2 and on occasions 3 missionaries living and working together. Companionships change randomly as the President of the Mission feels inspired to do. I was with some companions for only a few weeks, others for almost half a year. We also are sent to random geographic areas within the boundaries of the mission as the President feels inspired. I served in 6 different areas while I was there, ranging from 2 months to 7. We (and our families) pay for the expenses during the two years. We are not allowed to leave our areas without permission. We have one day in which we have 8 hours to get our letters written, apartment cleaned, clothes washed, groceries purchased. Our communication with family and friends is limited to letters each week and one phone call home on Christmas and one on Mother's Day.

Lots of rules, but they are there to help us stay focused. I hope this serves as a decent framework for the stories I have to tell.

on Oct 19, 2004

I hope this serves as a decent framework for the stories I have to tell

It does, actually.  I was wondering how in the heck you ended up in Guatemala...now I know!

I'm looking forward to the next installment!


on Oct 19, 2004
I'm looking forward to the next installment!

I don't think it will be too far off. This article (boring as it was) will hopefully prevent folks from wondering what I am talking about when I mention "my companion" or "our area", etc.