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A blog without a cause
A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
I'm a lousy points whore
-or- pathetic
Published on November 17, 2004 By
Last night I started a thread in the forums that I hope will continue. It was the "Forum Game--Think of a Lyric" thread. I think it is a blast and the response so far has been great. Thanks to those who are playing along.
But I have a confession to make.
Secretly, deep down in the darkest parts of my blogging heart I wanted to earn some points off of it. Now I knew when I posted it just to the forums and not to my blog that I wouldn't get the 15 points for a new article. I was okay with that. I didn't think it was something that was worth putting on my actual blog and calling an article, since the entire reason I wrote it was to get replies (and hopefully lots of them!!!). I wasn't telling anything about myself, it wasn't my thoughts, it was just some forum fun. The part of me that doesn't like points whoring forced me to make it a forum only post.
I didn't realize I wouldn't get any points from it though. Seriously, none! Maybe I am and things aren't computing for me, but as far as I can tell my user points are not increasing with any of the responses to that thread. I think I may pick up a few when I respond to it, but not when anyone else does.
I am sulking right now, lower lip sticking out, listening to melancholy music while I should be doing data entry, wishing I had been a full blown, honest to goodnes points whore and just posted it to my blog. I wouldn't have minded the points. And now I ain't getting nothing.
Ultimately it is, of course, my own fault for thinking I should take "the high road", whatever that is. But now I know. Deep down, somewhere inside I am just a dirty points whore. Bad BlueDev!
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
Texas Wahine
on Nov 17, 2004
Can you switch it back so that you can get future points from it? (I don't understand how it all works, forgive me if that was a stupid question) I'd love to give ya some points!
on Nov 17, 2004
I don't think so. I would have to create a new article and then transfre over everyone's responses, because I would never dream of destroying everyone's work in there without crediting them. Thanks for the thoughts though! Oh, and you just did, so thanks for those as well.
on Nov 17, 2004
Man, that sucks! It's a great idea as well. I think you should get points for entertaining me, so I'll give you an insightful. Does that help?
(Although, I also giggle, because I don't really care about the whole points malarky. But that doesn't mean that others can't!)
on Nov 17, 2004
You filthy whore...
Texas Wahine
on Nov 17, 2004
Good idea, suz. Here's an Insightful, BlueDev!
on Nov 17, 2004
(Although, I also giggle, because I don't really care about the whole points malarky. But that doesn't mean that others can't!)
I laugh as well, to be honest. Fundamentally I don't think I care about the points. Honestly. But I won't lie there is a part of me that enjoys seeing the points go up. Silly, I know. But I will take them! (This article was meant to be, at least in part, silly and funny, so I am glad it at least made you giggle!).
You filthy whore...
I know man, I know. The truth comes out.
Good idea, suz. Here's an Insightful, BlueDev!
I won't say no, just thanks! You guys rock!
on Nov 17, 2004
I gave you an insightful, too BlueDev.
Points for me are equal to the cherry on top of a sundae. It's kind of cool that it's there and it's doesn't have to be on every sundae: but when it is, I'm happy.
on Nov 17, 2004
Hmm, I responded to a Music lyric blog yesterday, but I don't think it was yours. I have to check it out. But anyway, it's good to get points. The more you get, the more you want. Like Dusk411 said, "...equal to the cherry on top of a sundae..".
on Nov 17, 2004
Dusk411--Thanks. I hear you. I write to write, but don't mind the bonus of points now and then.
foreverserenity--There is mignuna's Friday Five blog that has to do with lyrics. Mine is just a forum game in the Misc section. If you haven't already, come and play!
on Nov 17, 2004
Dev, user points are earned when you comment on other peoples threads!Blog points are earned when someone else comments on yours.
Actually little_whip, you get 5 user points every time you leave a comment or receive a comment. Case in point, before you left a comment here, or gave me the insightful (thanks!) I had 11324 points. After your comment and insightful it jumped to 11331, 2 for the insightful and 5 for the comment. After I leave this comment, even though it is on my own blog, my score (assuming there is no other activity while I write this) will go from 11331 to 11336, 5 points for me leaving a comment.
Articles get their own points from replies and views as well, but all comments you leave and all comments your articles receive add 5 points to your user points score. At least it always has worked that way for me. I can go to my blog, look at the difference in my points and know immediately how many replies my articles have received while I was away. Pretty cool, eh? Thanks for stopping by.
on Nov 17, 2004
You know, it's more rewarding if you climb your way up without resorting to points-whoring.
I don't understand why you need to. Your blog is already in the top 20. And you regularly get insightfuls from me without even trying. So ease up, BlueDev!
on Nov 17, 2004
Ravenblack--Thanks so much for your sage advice. I suppose I should have made it more clear that this post was something of a joke. I had hoped that the smiley getting his butt smacked would convey that.
The basic premise behind this article was really that, were I truly a points whore, that I am a terrible one. The one thread I start that will (already has) receive the most replies of anything I have written isn't even getting me points. So, underneath it all this was supposed to be making fun of the idea of points whoring, as I can't even do it correctly. Thanks to all who have replied and I apologize if my somewhat sardonic sense of humor didn't convey well in the original article and subsequent replies.
on Nov 17, 2004
You know, it's more rewarding if you climb your way up without resorting to points-whoring.
Oh, and I agree with you 100% here. Good advice again! You get an insightful for that.
on Nov 17, 2004
I'll give you an insightful just because you are willing to admit you are a dirty, low-down, points-whore
I don't much care about my points, but a little voice inside me sometimes yells, "More! More!" when I see my points go up...
Texas Wahine
on Nov 17, 2004
I'm a points-whore . . . but it's not really the points that I'm after, they're just a nice little bonus. I love getting comments about the things that I write, and I love "talking" to the people here (on my blog and on others' blogs). It's a social interaction thing for me. I like it.
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