A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
Published on December 8, 2004 By BlueDev In Home & Family
If words like poopoo, peepee, and bum are such an integral part of your vocabulary that you find yourself using them with adults as well. . .you might be a parent.

If you find yourself cheering, screaming, crying tears of joy at successful attempts at getting any of the above and the toilet bowl to successfully meet without any interference from hands, the floor or clothing. . .you might be a parent.

If you are more familiar with the characters, their lives, and the running stories behind the sagas of such shows as Arthur (which I actually quite like), Clifford, or Sesame Street than you are with any of the prime time shows. . .you might be a parent.

If your fridge is buried under countless layers of papers, all different shapes and sizes, with cryptic markings on them. . .you might be a parent.

If the single requisite for a romantic evening together is 5 minutes of uninterrupted silence. . .you might be a parent.

If fruit snacks or cups of pudding are the sort of treat you enjoy with the most frequency. . .you might be a parent.

If you can easily convince those around you, or they decide of their own free will, that ketchup makes anything go down easier. . .you might be a parent.

If your idea of a dressed up meal is adding hot dogs to your macaroni and cheese. . .you might be a parent (thanks to my wife for that one!).

If you find yourself using your colleague/co-workers full names when you are angry with them. . .you might be a parent.

Okay folks, let's hear yours! Add to the list!

on Dec 08, 2004
Great Article Peter - I look forward to most of the above

If you find yourself using your colleague/co-workers full names when you are angry with them. . .you might be a parent. -- Love It!!
on Dec 09, 2004
Great article!

If the bathtub is full of toys...you might be a parent. I've seen this one of my boyf's friends.

on Dec 09, 2004
If you begin counting, "One.....Two.....Three!" when a coworker to get busy with a task....you might be a parent.
on Dec 09, 2004
Great ones!!

Here's a few more...

If the line "all night with the boys" is no longer a good thing... you might be a parent!

If you can correctly name all the teletubbies... you might be a parent!

on Dec 09, 2004
If you can't cross your living room without kicking toys out of the way, you might be a parent.
If you often step on cheerios that are strewn around the kitchen table, it might be because you're a parent.
If all your photos are of the same person, you might be a parent.
If your idea of "curling up with a good book" involves either (a) more than 2 pages in a single sitting, or ( reading slowly and out loud, you might be a parent.
If you've got the Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Boomerang!, and Disney Channel channel numbers memorized, you might be a parent (or a child!).
on Dec 09, 2004
Awesome ones guys! I love 'em. Keep 'em coming!
on Dec 10, 2004
All I can think of are reasons I don't want to be a parent. And most of them you enumerate: poopoo, peepee, and toilets....


on Dec 10, 2004
if your dance partner(s) go by the name of "The Wiggles"!
on Dec 10, 2004
If you don't remember the last time you slept without a child in your bed.......
on Dec 10, 2004
A: Ay, I hear you. They sure are fun though, even with the poopoo, peepee and such.

KellyW: Ugh, "The Wiggles". Ugh.

LH: We have been lucky, our kids don't sleep in the bed, but I hear you.
on Dec 10, 2004

If you pick what vehicle to buy/rent/lease according to how many car seats will fit in it- you might be a parent.

If you determine which restaurant to go to by which one has the best chicken nuggets and crayons- you might be a parent.

If your most common phrases are "Stop it", "I said No!", "Stop picking your nose!" and "Go wash your hands!" -you might be a parent (and most likely a parent of boys).

If your beverage choices are white or chocolate rather than Red or white- you might be a parent.

If you can sing the entire theme song to SpongeBob Squarepants- you might be a parent (but not necessarily )

Great blog!  You got me on a roll there since parenting has been my life for the past 8 yrs.

on Dec 10, 2004
Aw, those were awesome Jill! Great contribution to the list. Thanks.
on Dec 11, 2004

Aw, those were awesome Jill!
Glad you liked them.  Just thought of a new one:

If you never leave home without a bag containing fish crackers, bandaids, Shout wipes, Purell, fruit snacks, crayons and paper- you might be a parent.