I am far too impatient.
As Neil Peart once penned (in a really great Rush song) "The point of the journey is not to arrive". So it would seem I need to reevaluate and ask myself just what the point is then.
I find myself rushing to the end. It doesn't matter what it is, but I just don't enjoy the journey the way I really ought to. I read a book and find myself skimming descriptive passages simply to get to the action or the pivotal plot point. I play games and once it gets tough find myself enabling cheats because I "want to follow the story". Bull. I want to finish, to get to the end, to uninstall that one and move onto the next one. And no, I don't think I have ever replayed a game once I beat it.
Even when I do something with the express purpose of enjoying the journey I allow my impatience to get the better of me. I recently re-read Tad Williams' masterful epic fantasy trilogy "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn", telling myself the entire time I was reading to enjoy the world building. Did I? Nope. I read it as fast and as furious as I could, so I could rediscover what happened in the end.
It really is frustrating.
I get a new CD and want to skip parts of songs to get a feel for all of them, rather than taking each track and savoring it. I do that, but later. I often find myself skimming articles so I can hop down and make some comment, only to force myself to slow down, read each word, and think about it a little more. I see it in other aspects of my life as well, the failure at times to appreciate what I am picking up along the way, tunnel vision narrowing to focus only on the goal. I think it is part of my personality, task and goal oriented, working toward the end. But I don't care for it. I know I am missing important parts of my life.
And so I try to slow down. At least just a little bit.