A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
Published on January 31, 2005 By BlueDev In Blogging

It seems that every so often I simply become uninspired.

Perhaps my mind slows down. Lately that isn't something we can discount. Perhaps I get involved in other tasks. Again, we better include that possibility. Perhaps I am getting a little bored with the whole exercise. Hmm, add that to the tally.

Whatever it is, lately I just haven't been able to crank out a decent blog to save my life. I have had moments I suppose (with my brother returning from his mission), but overall I just don't feel inspired to write anything interesting or even coherent.

I find it mildly disturbing. Okay, I find it really disturbing. Not so much because I feel I have to crank something out every single day. Rather because I fear it means some greater decline in mental functioning.

Perhaps, like Chicken Little, I am overreacting just a tad.

Nevertheless here I sit, staring at the screen, wishing I had something profound to add, knowing it isn't going to come. And wondering why.

on Jan 31, 2005
Peter, i wondered where you were. I know you had your brother back. That's great BTW, I didn't get the chance to comment on that blog. Anyway, to your declining ways....(gosh, I'm full of puns today)...only worry when you can't even put word to paper, which you just did!

I actually thought of penning a poem entitled, "Where have all the bloggers gone?" I thought about it yesterday, haven't gotten around to it yet. But there are a lot of JU regulars MIA, for one reason or the other? Ah well, life goes on...

Don't worry about it. You're having one of those moments, you don't want to be bothered or don't feel like blogging. When it gets to be like that, feeling as if you have to? Then it's no fun anymore. So, let it go, you'll get your inspiration back.
on Jan 31, 2005
Thanks for your comment. I'm still around, just not having great blog thoughts. What frustrates me the most is yesterday I had a couple good thoughts, but forgot them by the time I could write them down. Silly me.

One of the odd things about my online interaction is that even as I have been "away" from here I am still surrounded by JU. Recently I have been spending more time over at Wincustomize.com, working on my own little graphic arts things. But since my stuff there is syndicated here and vice versa I still am reminded about my blog here. It is following me . It is odd, sort of straddling the fence between the two communities that, while connected and comingled in some cases, are still not the same communities.

I don't doubt my inspiration will return at some moment. I just hope I don't feel too stupid by then.
on Jan 31, 2005
I don't have anything really insightful lately either. Sometimes I get a spark at work and then when I finally sit down to write, it dies.
on Jan 31, 2005
I too have wondered this very thing myself. I have spent days and weeks in my past wondering if I'll ever be inspired again and then, out of the blue, something or someone will trigger a whole swag of different ideas.

I think the way my subconcious works is that it needs to take in and digest a whole lot of information, sort it out into usuable and unusable and then sit on it for a while. Eventually, a lot of the usable material seeps through into my concious mind and ...bink... seemingly all of a sudden, I am inspired.

Yes, my concious mind does go 'bink'... I'm going to go check out your article on your brother's return. I missed it when it was originally posted.


on Jan 31, 2005
Sometimes I get a spark at work and then when I finally sit down to write, it dies.

Sheesh, I hear that. Glad I am not the only one.

Eventually, a lot of the usable material seeps through into my concious mind and ...bink... seemingly all of a sudden, I am inspired.

Good to know. I will wait (im)patiently for the *bink*. That is probably the key: patience (or my lack thereof).

Thanks for the comments.
on Feb 02, 2005
I always have fantastic ideas, but when I actually sit down to write them all, I just wind up with endless ranting about my pathetic social life. Even if I decide to follow-up a rant with a decent article, I find that I've run out of time and end up just logging off.
on Feb 02, 2005

memory sucks. i universally recommend bringing a pocket notebook with you everywhere: work, on dates, to bed, to the john. . .everywhere. you're going to forget everything, i promise.

i'm not sure how much you read, but i'd like to recommend The Modern Library Writer's Workshop by Stephen Koch. Stephen ran the famous MFA program at Columbia for many years, and therefor this book is directed specifically to fiction writers. nevertheless, there is pure advice, from a fantastic teacher's mind to the tip of your fingers, that you will easily understand and be able to use immediately.

like i saidm, theres tons of info meant to help with the craft of fiction; but with a little imagination, you will find a world of support for writing of every kind. there's a world of books on writing. i think this is one of the best.

good luck.

on Feb 02, 2005
I just may stop by the library and pick that up. Thanks for the recommendation TBT.
on Feb 02, 2005

I actually thought of penning a poem entitled, "Where have all the bloggers gone?" I thought about it yesterday, haven't gotten around to it yet. But there are a lot of JU regulars MIA, for one reason or the other? Ah well, life goes on...

It's part of the cycle, sadly. Many of my favorites have made their exodus, and with my limited accessibility, I've had a hard time keeping up.

Meanwhile, keep blogging, Peter. What I would suggest is that you archive the article you wrote in an earlier slump. in which some good suggestions were given to keep the creative juices flowing. I won't reiterate them here, but I remember a number of good ideas being tossed out.

Good luck.

on Feb 02, 2005
Thanks for the recommendation Gideon. I think that this, too, is part of the cycle. I blog, get tired, get rejuvenated, etc. On and on. I think the slump will end soon, as I finally have a couple of ideas to write that I think may be interesting. Hopefully I can overcome my apathy and get them in written form.