Suddenly it hit me. I had just written my 201st article.
It was interesting to realize that. I recall quite vividly my planning out carefully just what I was going to write for my 100th article. It seemed like such a landmark for me. Interesting that 200 was a nonissue. I have been wondering what changed over the course of the last hundred articles, and I think I have it figured out.
It took me a good portion of my first 100 articles to feel like I was "settling" in, both here as a community member and here as a writer. But somewhere in the course of the next hundred that no longer became and issue, and so I stopped wondering how many articles I had written, how far along I was. The novelty of writing and interacting here changed to a more comfortable sense of net-home.
I am pleased with the transformation, as the writing has become easier. It will be interesting to see what changes over the next hundred.