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Grammy viewership 2nd-lowest ever
Published on February 15, 2005 By
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According to CNN.com, this year's celebration of musical mediocrity and sales figures were the second lowest in history. Very interesting.
As I read the title I was filled with hope. Could this possibly mean that, even to a small degree, the masses are catching on? Could they finally be opening their ears and minds to realize that so much of the music we are spoon fed by the industry is simply uninspired (and uninspiring), formulaic, pre-packaged marketing? Could we all finally be sending a message to the big cheeses that we are tired of their empty talent and glossy wrappers with nothing inside?
Then I read the article. I guess I was wrong.
The article cites the biggest reason for the low viewership as the fact that Desperate Housewives was on. So we simply exchanged one type of lasciviousness for another. I shouldn't be surprised, but to be honest I was a little bit. I had hoped for a bit more, perhaps a better reason for ignoring the Grammy awards than the desire to spend an hour as voyeurs into the exploits of some random women. I haven't seen the show, but I have seen enough to know that it isn't for me.
So, my hope for a more musically literate society is dashed again.
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on Feb 16, 2005
Ha ha! I was one of those thumbing my nose at the stupidity emanating from the radio these days (while, ok, yeah, soaking it in through my eyes and ears via watching "Desperate Housewives" on a different channel).
It's a funny show, if only enough to make me glad I live my life and I'm not, well, desperate. (Or a housewife, come to think of it. (And don't get mad at me for saying that--it's just not the career for me.))
on Feb 16, 2005
The Grammies are still running?? lol
on Feb 17, 2005
Unfortunately, awards shows have become publicity stunts now. I don't like the Grammys at all and every year, usually one person gets nominated the most and then wins all the awards. It's gotten boring.
on Feb 17, 2005
Back when I was younger, I used to wish that there was a "Best Underground Recording" and "Best New Underground Artist", and any other "underground" category you can think of.
But then I realized that, any band who would truly qualify for such category, wouldn't want it anyway. ;~D
on Feb 17, 2005
Ha ha! I was one of those thumbing my nose at the stupidity emanating from the radio these days (while, ok, yeah, soaking it in through my eyes and ears via watching "Desperate Housewives" on a different channel).
I just couldn't watch them at all. I think it is funny actually, I just suppose I was hoping for a different reason for the low viewership.
(And don't get mad at me for saying that--it's just not the career for me.))
I would never get mad. Actually, I think it is good that you recognize that. I don't think it is for everyone, and better to know now than after being miserable because you try to fit yourself into the role.
Unfortunately, awards shows have become publicity stunts now
Yup. Sort of sucks. Okay, really sucks. Just too much self-congratulatory BS for me.
But then I realized that, any band who would truly qualify for such category, wouldn't want it anyway.
Very true.
Thanks folks from saving this article from and ignominious death!
on Feb 17, 2005
Amy Grant won like 5 grammys. Elvis won one... for a gospel album.
Anyone who looks back at who did and didn't win a grammy, and contrast it to the most talented and influental artists will see what kind of a fekkin sham it is.
The people who hand out grammys are the people REAL artists have to battle and overcome. The music industry is a racket akin to organized crime.
on Feb 17, 2005
I watched the Grammy because I love Queen Latifah and I was curious to see who would get one. Queen Latifah's peformance was great.
Sorry to say but I enjoy watching Desperate Housewife too. I dont' always watch it, but when I tune in, it's always good for a laugh! They absolutely don't represent housewives in Amerca. It's all fiction, a big sham. That much I know so I enjoy it for the entertainment.
on Feb 17, 2005
Sorry to say but I enjoy watching Desperate Housewife too
, don't need to be sorry. I just keep waiting and hoping for the day the general public realizes what BakerStreet put. Someday. . .
on Feb 17, 2005
Desperate housewives is very fun show, I agree. The first season began over here a couple of weeks ago, and it got the highest viewship for English programs. Guess we are curious what American housewives are desperate about. *G*
>>They absolutely don't represent housewives in Amerca. It's all fiction, a big sham
I think it's an exaggeration. Like Ally McBeal.
on Feb 21, 2005
The music industry is a racket akin to organized crime.
Oh yeah, so true. And it is run by a bunch of Godfather wannabes who couldn't spot talent if their lives depended on it. And the Grammys, well, what can I say that won't be offensive? Ahmmm, nothing, so I won't say anything at all.
I got a little excited reading the first paragraph of this post, but when you explained it was because of 'Desperate Housewives' I had to laugh. At least with '...Housewives' you know there is no lipsyncing.
on Feb 21, 2005
At least with '...Housewives' you know there is no lipsyncing.
I am afraid I read too many inuendos (intended or not) into that line I just about spit water all over my computer. I think it is time to go to bed!
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