I decided to attempt a dual-boot install of Linux over the weekend. Yes, I am that big of a geek. Installing an OS sounds like fun.
Alas, I was not met with success, and conferencing with a Linux using friend were eventually fruitless (though I am extremely grateful to him for sacrificing precious board-prep time to assist!). As it ended up I had a copy of Linux installed that eventually got me into KDE, but the computer didn't recognize there was a copy of Windows to boot into. So I decided what the heck, let's do a clean install.
So a format later (I had backed up everything important before attempting the Linux install) I started getting back some of my programs. Many of them are from Stardock (a surprising number actually!), including Blog Navigator Pro. I had used it minimally in the past, but started really playing around with it earlier this week. That was when I came to a (rather obvious) realization that I should have already known about: I could blog without ever actually having to point a browser to JU. I knew this before, but missed some of the finer points of use.
Suddenly I felt inspired. It appears that my muse has at least graced me with an idea, if not its full presence. So after a shorter-than-expected absence, I just may pick back up. However, I have set up a couple other sites I will be posting to as well, so we'll see where I stick with. Good to see you friends again (and thanks to BN, I don't have to see the rest of you at all).