A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
Published on April 27, 2005 By BlueDev In Home & Family
Saying that Real Life has been insane lately would be a bit of an understatement. Studying, lab responsibilities, family visiting, wife singing some concerts, and four children to care for. . .

Interestingly, it is the oldest and the youngest that have required the most attention. The youngest simply because Big Al is only 7 weeks old. The oldest because she is old enough to make poor choices, and consequences follow.

Sadly that has left the two middle ones, our very own Jess and Aubrey to fend for themselves a bit. Aubrey has done well, demanding attention during the day when it is just her, mom and the baby who still sleeps enough. So even Aubrey has been getting what she needs.

That leaves Jess.

And much to our dismay we realized it also meant she was getting left out. After a few days of uncharacteristic disobedience and sassiness from our sweet 5 (almost 6) year old we realized we had been neglecting her somewhat. So I swore to remedy that.

Enter Opera Man.

No, not the SNL character. This is the better, more child appropriate version. Yes, I am our very own Opera Man. And Jessica is my operatic foil. Driving home yesterday we started singing. And when we sing, we do it right. Loud, dramatic, overdone opera, full of useless and excessive vibrato and falsetto.

We love it. It makes us smile and laugh until our sides and our faces hurt. Sometimes we make up the opera as we go, trading off line by line. Often unintelligible, always nonsensical, we make up outlandish stories in which we eat each other, rule the world, and vanquish each other. It is one of those things that Jessica and I do together.

Yesterday, though, we stuck to more traditional songs. We sang 'There was a hole', 'It ain't gonna rain no more', and 'Bill Grogan's Goat'. People next to us at the stoplight knew something was up. We both had thrown our heads back, hands in the air, mouths wide as we hit the final, triumphant notes of our song. It was joyous. There is no other way to put it.

And, of course, Jessica was the model of a perfect child yesterday. She was reminded that she was loved, and she reminded us that she loved us. Gotta do it again. Make it opera, make it fun!

on Apr 27, 2005
"Yes, I am our very own Opera Man. And Jessica is my operatic foil. Driving home yesterday we started singing. And when we sing, we do it right. Loud, dramatic, overdone opera, full of useless and excessive vibrato and falsetto.We love it. It makes us smile and laugh until our sides and our faces hurt. Sometimes we make up the opera as we go, trading off line by line. Often unintelligible, always nonsensical, we make up outlandish stories in which we eat each other, rule the world, and vanquish each other. It is one of those things that Jessica and I do together. Yesterday, though, we stuck to more traditional songs. We sang “There was a hole”, “It ain’t gonna rain no more”, and “Bill Grogan’s Goat”. People next to us at the stoplight knew something was up. We both had thrown our heads back, hands in the air, mouths wide as we hit the final, triumphant notes of our song. It was joyous. There is no other way to put it.And, of course, Jessica was the model of a perfect child yesterday. She was reminded that she was loved, and she reminded us that she loved us. Gotta do it again. Make it opera, make it fun!"

This is so precious. I love it. It's the best and most fun way to show your daughter your love. Mandy and I usually dance and sing. And we do the singing quite loudly too so I know what you're talking about! That always gets her out of any bad mood she's in. Kids are so precious and their demands so simple!
on Apr 27, 2005
Kids are so precious and their demands so simple!

So true, so true. I think that is the main reason it is so easy to let them just slide. But we refuse to be that kind of parents, and so we gotta keep on singing!
on Apr 27, 2005
great insight into the mind, heart, and soul of jessica. good parenting,, good stuff dev.
on Apr 27, 2005
Singing produces endorphins. Endorfins, Doc? Well, something that makes you feel good. Thanks for the article, it made me smile!
on Apr 28, 2005
great insight into the mind, heart, and soul of jessica.

Thanks MM. That can really be the hard part, figuring out what makes each kid tick. But once you do, the fun is limitless.

Singing produces endorphins. Endorfins, Doc? Well, something that makes you feel good.

Yup, endorphins. The bodies own opiates (ala morphine), so no wonder it makes you feel good. Glad you smiled when you read this. Just imagine what you would have thought had you actually seen us. Frightening!
on Apr 28, 2005
Wow, I was surprised to see this a featured article! Thanks to whoever decided to feature it.
on Apr 29, 2005
Wonderful article BlueDev!

I had a smile the entire time I was reading it.