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What's that smell?
Published on May 4, 2005 By
Life Journals
It's been bugging me for a few days.
A nasty smell. Can't quite get it out of my metaphorical nose. Something burning. Then today it hit me.
It's me. Ahh the acrid scent of burn-out.
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on May 04, 2005
rub some vicks vapo-rub under yer nose dev, that will block any smell even metaphoric ones.
on May 04, 2005
Got a vacation coming up any time soon?
--Though, I've never found that that really soothes burnout. Mostly you just come back and wish you were still gone.
Texas Wahine
on May 04, 2005
I'm sorry, BlueDev.
I can't even begin to imagine how stressful your life must be.
I have great admiration for you and what you've chosen to do with your life...not just becoming a doctor, but your focus on being a great husband and father as well.
on May 04, 2005
rub some vicks vapo-rub under yer nose dev, that will block any smell even metaphoric ones.
Heh, good idea MM. Just might be worth a try.
Got a vacation coming up any time soon?
Sadly, no. The next vacation will be when I graduate next May. Pretty much going straight until then (with Christmas break being used for residency interviews). But, as you said, I don't usually find them very relaxing anyway.
I can't even begin to imagine how stressful your life must be.
It's okay TW. Really. I appreciate your kind words. I'm just feeling a little more than a little drained lately.
Spc Nobody Special
on May 04, 2005
Don't worry, you get to where you don't even smell it after awhile.........trust me.
on May 05, 2005
I had burnout in my last job, it was a sickening feeling. The clock always seems to be sneaking a few seconds backward when I'm not looking.
on May 05, 2005
hang in there Blue... it's all gonna be worth it in the end.. ignore the smell in the meantime and sniff some flowers.
on May 05, 2005
You're gonna have to find some way of zoning out if even for an hour two Dev. Or even better, have a barbecue!
Whatever you do, like Mano said, hang in there it will be over soon, just don't count the days, that might make it appear longer!
on May 05, 2005
I'm sorry, Peter. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, or that I could say something that would be of comfort to you.
As it is, all I can offer is 'this too shall pass'. Not much help, I know, but.....things will get better. You and yours are almost superhuman in my eyes....you give of yourselves so freely, yet you never ask for anything in return.
You are a wonderful, fantastic human being and I feel privilged to be able to call you my friend.
on May 05, 2005
Deep cleansing breath........
Some how or another catch a break, run up to Ashboro and visit the zoo, get a paddle boat in that park behind NCSU ( can't remember the name ) take the kiddies to a movie, or if you're up for it, do the Chucky Cheese thing ( they sell beer...)Maybe a Bull's game ?
Whatever, just do something with the kids where you can see WHY you are working/studying yourself into a stupor....Perfect place to see the kids in action - Natural Science Museum and the Butterfly Arboritum right there in Durham.....
Exhale now.....
on May 05, 2005
you get to where you don't even smell it after awhile.........trust me.
That is so comforting. But I also know (from personal experience) that it is true. Just getting used to being burned out about some new things.
The clock always seems to be sneaking a few seconds backward when I'm not looking
I can sympathize with that feeling as well. Gratefully, it isn't the predominant one this time.
sniff some flowers
*AHHHHHCHOOOOOOO* Dang alergies.
You're gonna have to find some way of zoning out if even for an hour two Dev
You know what I really need? I need a date. My wife and I need to go, see a movie or have a meal and not have other people there. We need that bad. Really bad.
I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, or that I could say something that would be of comfort to you
Dharma: You are a great example of someone who just keeps going. That example is inspiring. Thanks so much for your friendship and kind words.
Natural Science Museum and the Butterfly Arboritum right there in Durham.....
We actually took my in-laws there on Monday. And it was nice. We have some fun photos of the kids in the Butterfly house, playing the drums, and playing with some of the weather stuff. It was a good time, but a little (okay, a lot) too short and complicated. Nevertheless, it was fun.
If it was just school that had me feeling burned out, no worries. But it is more than that, and we are struggling with finding the balance, and that is the source of the burnout. Thanks for the suggestions, and it appears you are quite familiar with what there is to do here in the area. Cool.
on May 05, 2005
Insanity's retreat...anything to get the mind off of whatever it's on, and luckily we live in an area that provides more than ample options....
if you can get a sitter, take the time to picnic at Medoc Mt State Park in Hollister ( it's an 1 hour ride for you ),go late and stay past dark...there is no light pollution and the stars are magnificent. On weekends Astro-geeks are there with telescopes begging for someone to let them show off some new found star....tent camp for free, and they have some of the greatest public facilities I've ever seen.
Hell, I'll lend you a tent if ya need one ( Dad was a Doc., he sweated the small stuff til it killed him....)
Then there's always the "getta room" quick fix ( best I remember the N.Raleigh Hilton had a great pkg. or do the Milner Inn for a daring eve on the cheap)I highly reccomend this on a quarterly basis for the rest of your lifetime ( or until the kids move ) ...
It'll be OK.
on May 05, 2005
You know what I really need? I need a date. My wife and I need to go, see a movie or have a meal and not have other people there. We need that bad. Really bad.
Go for it, plan one (more easily said than done of course). Dyno has some great ideas! If I wasn't so far away you could drop your kids off!
on May 05, 2005
You know what I really need? I need a date. My wife and I need to go, see a movie or have a meal and not have other people there. We need that bad. Really bad.
If it we lived closer together and I could drive to where you're at and back in a day....I'd come over, kick you and your wife out with instructions to not come back for at least 4 hours, and settle myself down with your girls and boy for an afternoon/evening of play with Auntie Dharma.
D and I have been there. A little time with your S.O. without your kids, parents, friends or acquaintences can work wonders.
Thank YOU for the kind words, btw....
on May 05, 2005
And you thought the Great Salt Lake smelled bad at low tide!
I hear you Doc. Go play with your wife. Do something totally silly and enjoy every minute. You have worked a long time and you're almost across the finish line my friend. Take a moment to rest up for it!
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