A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
-or- Life in the slow lane
Published on February 16, 2004 By BlueDev In Blogging
In the short time I have been blogging here I have noticed something. There are a lot of people with a lot to say!

Oh, and I am apparently not one of them.

Now I don't mean that in any sort of derogatory sense for those who blog very frequently. I have come to visit my blog numerous times since my last entry (article just seems to auspicious a word for what I right), have sat there thinking I would like to write something. But I fail to come up with anything witty or smart, so I don't write anything.

And here I am now writing about how I have nothing to write about. Perhaps I have hit a new low for blogging.

But to be fair, I do find myself posting with some sort of semi-frequency on some forums I visit. And while I have had a couple blogs in the past I think that the interactive nature of this site actually has led me to post more here than in the past. And, yes, with a staggering entry count of 4 (after I post this) that is pretty sad. So what is it about blogging that is attractive? Why do we find some sort of enjoyment in posting our thoughts for people we have probably never met, and most likely never will? Is it our innate desire to attract attention to ourselves? Or do we feel some therapeutic release from sharing what we feel and think, safely behind the anonymity of the internet?

I am sure that it is a combination of many factors, as everything in life seems to be. I would like to think that another part of it is our desire to connect with other people. And in that regard the internet has really become a powerful force in my life, as well as others. The lack of bounds, whether geographic, cultural, or others, really makes the internet a liberating place for the exchange of ideas and information. And this, in fact, can be very healing and helpful for us all, myself included.

So, even though I am a snail-blogger, I still find some solace in the practice.
on Feb 16, 2004
i am prob'ly a cheetah blogger, cause i'm always running my mouth. i've sat down at my computer and wanted to write something at times, and been unable to come up with anything too... but i've found ways to tackle this problem. Write yourself little notes during the day about things you think about. it doesn't necessarily mean that you want to blog about 'em, it's just a good practice to get into in general. That way if you don't have the time at that moment to really think something thru, you can take out your little note later and devote the necessary time to it. and then if you decide you want to blog about it, then blog on. and if not, that's ok too, at least you can resolve it in your own mind. This process allows you to stay focused on your tasks at work that you might be engaged in...

just a thought