A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
Published on August 2, 2005 By BlueDev In Home & Family
I have been fortunate in my life. Love has hurt me very little.

As anyone else, I have had a few minor dings and contusions. Crushes of youth that were not reciprocated and the like. The few hurts that were more severe did, as I matured, become less significant. The first time I dared to truly love someone I was one of the fortunate to have that love returned, amplified, and we have now built a life upon that love. Our sweet children are too young to step on our hearts. I have been insulated thus far.

But we opened our lives and our hearts again. And this time it hurts like I can't believe.

So now I know. Now I know what it feels like to open your heart, your life, your love to someone new, only to be crushed. There is no other way to describe it. The pressure, the pain, the heartache. If only it would end.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 04, 2005
A: The news will eventually be good, I hope. We are just trying to hang out and make it until then. Thanks for stopping by.

Nicky: Thanks. I appreciate your kind words.
on Aug 16, 2005
Awwww damn Doc. I can't imagine how this must feel. I dunno what to say.

Look at it this way. You gave her a damn good home for the time you had her. Take pride in that.

I know it doesn't mean much, and that my comments are a bit late. But i offer my deepest sympathies.

You and yours are in my thoughts Dev.
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