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A blog without a cause
A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
Modnar et confused
Published on October 4, 2005 By
It is a good thing that the whole points thing here doesn't really interest me. I have written, oh, about 4 blogs in about that many months. Suddenly I am playing around on my Wincustomize site and notice that my blog has a fair number of points. More than it usually had when I was writing daily. A virtual hop, skip and a jump over here and I notice my blog is ranked #18. Hmm, I have only cracked the top 20 a couple of times, and that was when I was writing a lot. I take a leave of absence and it would appear my popularity increases. Perhaps that is a bad sing. Folks like me better when I am not here.
Residency applications are in. Now the waiting and hoping for interviews begins. To be frank, I am not looking forward to it. But hopefully it will all be over soon.
I have had some time to listen to some great new music. My brother made a recommendation the other day the proved to be golden. P'raps I will get a couple new album reviews up.
I really feel the need to write. I need to polish off that dusty tool, as evidenced by the extreme discomfort of writing my personal statement. I am really pleased with what I ended up with, but it was mighty painful getting there. Not sure what to write about, but I will come up with something.
I am really looking forward to the release of the beta of Windoblinds 5. Should be ready byt the time I get home this evening. Happy day. Yes, I am excited over a computer program. I'm okay with that.
How do you end a post as random and disconnected as this one? I don't know. I suppose you just end.
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on Oct 04, 2005
Wherever you are in the rankings, I am always glad to see you "polish off that dusty tool". Hope the residency works out the way you want it to!
on Oct 04, 2005
Thanks Cordelia. I appreciate it.
on Oct 04, 2005
Best of luck to you on the residency applications. Keep us updated. It's good to see your blog under the recent JU articles column again.
on Oct 04, 2005
Another quirky and interesting blog from one who doesn't write too much these days! Good luck with the aps!
on Oct 04, 2005
It is a good thing that the whole points thing here doesn't really interest me. I have written, oh, about 4 blogs in about that many months. Suddenly I am playing around on my Wincustomize site and notice that my blog has a fair number of points. More than it usually had when I was writing daily. A virtual hop, skip and a jump over here and I notice my blog is ranked #18. Hmm, I have only cracked the top 20 a couple of times, and that was when I was writing a lot. I take a leave of absence and it would appear my popularity increases.
Maybe a lot of us have been checking in on your blog daily to see if you've written anything new yet?
And I still don't get the bloody points system. I'm up around 32 for blog and 43 for user. I've been on holiday and at home sick for about 3 weeks, and yes, have been online more often than usual. But I'm not posting anymore than usual. And I doubt that the quality of work is any different. hehe. If all it takes to move up 20 positions is frequency, just everyone wait until I get web access at home again. Then you're all in trouble!
Nice to see you,
on Oct 04, 2005
It's good to see your blog under the recent JU articles column again.
Thanks chiprj. With luck, it will be there with a bit more frequency.
Maybe a lot of us have been checking in on your blog daily to see if you've written anything new yet?
, I dare not flatter myself so. But thanks for offering it up as a suggestion, no matter how ludicrious. I will have to check out some of these more frequent blogs Nicky.
on Oct 04, 2005
Yeah, not too long ago I was proofreading my brother's personal statement or whatever that is. Hope you and he aren't applying for the same ones....
Good to hear from you.
on Oct 07, 2005
A: I hope not as well. Hope all is well.
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