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Grammy groaning
-or- seeing red
Published on December 9, 2005 By
They are out! The announcements of the Grammy nominees! Yeah!
Every year the Grammies are announced, the music industry spends countless hours and dollars flattering themselves, and we, the masses, are willingly force fed some of the most shallow, insipid, and vacuous music that has been created. We eat it up, rushing to purchase Grammy nominated tripe, tuning in to see the artists, adding to the general buzz and bluster.
Every year I lament the
state of music
and it appears that this year will be no different. I realize it is foolish of me to hope that the masses will forsake the refuse we are spoon fed daily. Call me an idealist, but I just can't accept that everyone can be so unimaginative to think that garbage such as "Hollaback Girl", "Gold Digger" or the formulaic, pseudo-sentimental tripe "We Belong Together" are worth listening to, let alone worth honoring.
There is so much music out there that is really brilliant. It is artistic, it is thoughtful, it is adventurous, and it can even uplift and engage the listener. There is music that transcends the senses and connects to the listener on an emotional level. Sure, we all need a break from the dense stuff at times. Pop music has its place for thoughtless escapism. But its place is not up on a pedestal, to be honored by the masses.
Can you tell it pisses me off?
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on Dec 09, 2005
Supposedly, the anti-grammy... don't know just yet.... like the fact that nominees have to have sold less than 500K records.
on Dec 09, 2005
Interesting. I can see them wanting to put number restrictions on it, though I don't think that good record sales necessarily means crappy music. There are some truly fantastic albums that have gone platinum.
I like the idea though. It will be interesting to see what pans out from that. Thanks for the link.
on Dec 09, 2005
I can tell!
And the show itself has become such a pain to watch year after year! It's like having your nails dragged against a chalkboard!
on Dec 09, 2005
I think that this award is to the Grammys as the Spirit award is to say the Golden Globes
on Dec 09, 2005
I didn't see the list of nominees...is there anyone on there who IS worthy?
on Dec 09, 2005
I didn't see the list of nominees...is there anyone on there who IS worthy?
Not in my oh-so-arrogant book.
There are certainly some that are better than others, but honestly, none of the nominees that I am familiar with are a cut above mediocre, at best.
on Dec 09, 2005
It's ironic, I have had a strong interest in music my whole life.. yet I couldn't possibly care less about the grammies... maybe it's because the grammies have so much less than nothing to do with music.
on Dec 09, 2005
but I just can't accept that everyone can be so unimaginative to think that garbage such as "Hollaback Girl", "Gold Digger" or the formulaic, pseudo-sentimental tripe "We Belong Together" are worth listening to, let alone worth honoring.
Yes, well said. What is it about unoriginal, uninspiring music that gets the masses clamouring for it. 'Golddigger' is boring, boring, boring (and I do like hip hop and rap). I don't understand the hype, I don't understand the attention and I certainly don't understand why it has made so much money. There must be some serious bribing going on between the major labels and radio stations etc.
I don't understand the hype behind Gwen Stefani either. Maybe I'm getting old but I don't think my tastes have changed significantly enough to call this sort of music good. But then, I never took much notice of the Grammys either.
Well said and well done.
on Dec 09, 2005
Well, everyone knows that the Grammy's have been fixed sometimes. No word of it a lie.
I am trying to remember the questionable win... it was like the daughter of the chair of the nominating commitee or someone in a position of high influence at the Grammys.
on Dec 10, 2005
It's like having your nails dragged against a chalkboard!
You know, I admit that I used to watch the show. But since 2003 and haven't been able to stand it, and so avoid it completely.
yet I couldn't possibly care less about the grammies... maybe it's because the grammies have so much less than nothing to do with music.
You are right. The have nothing to do with the music. I don't really care about them, but I do find what they represent very frustrating.
Thanks man. Your comment means a lot, since it comes from an actual musician. As I mentioned in my article, Pop has its place, and there is even decent pop music. But it isn't about the music. It is all some popularity contest of sorts. Very irritating.
Thanks for the comments all!
on Dec 13, 2005
BlueDev, check out my band's website (well, the page that is interim until our site is finished). You can download some demo recordings and play them loud to annoy your neighbours. Admittedly, it is probably not the sort of music you're into but I respect the fact you have diverse tastes, so maybe you might like some of the songs.
The site is
on Dec 13, 2005
So bluedev, who do you like? Who do you think is worthy? I'm not disagreeing with you just wondering about your musical taste.
I personally like indie and alternative music. I think once the record companies get a hold of them and polish them up they're just not interesting anymore. I love originality not rehashes of the same old thing.
on Dec 13, 2005
Maso: I just checked out some of the songs. Interesting. Like you said, not really my style, but I can appreciate it. I will listen a bit more and let you know. Thanks for posting!
Locamama: Well, I mostly am a metalhead, so I can only comment on the rock/metal acts that should have been considered if we are talking about greatness. Not much on the other stuff, but listening to it I simply have to say there must be some better stuff out there. Hard rock/metal acts that should have been considered are Ayreon, Fates Warning, Opeth, Iced Earth, Kamelot, just to name a few.
on Dec 14, 2005
The only one that I've heard of is Opeth. I guess I need to expand my horizons a bit. I will check them out. Limewire here I come.
on Dec 14, 2005
Okay I listened and it's not my thing but hey different strokes for different folks as they say.
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