Note : I generally avoid partisan politics. They disgust me. I lie pretty much in the middle, but won't deny a conservative tilt to the way I think. Nevertheless, I refuse to register with either major political party and have avoided the majority of political discussion on the site. But what follows is openly partisan. We are all closed minded. Every one of us. And I am fed up with liberals pissing about closed-minded conservatives/Christians/righties. Guess what, you are all ...
Last night we witnessed a debate between two men desiring to be elected the President of the United States. Both had their opportunity to discuss their plans and policies, both had the opportunity to win over undecided voters, and both had the opportunity to educate the populace. Both are pretty poor choices in my opinion as well, but that is just thrown in here for fun, doesn't really have to do with the rest of what I will write. More than anything last night though, the candidates d...
Today I opened up my Political Meter widget , and to my surprise saw that has projected that, as of today, Bush would win the election 311 electoral votes to 223. *Gasp* Why is BlueDev so taken aback by this you may ask. Well the answer is simple. I live in Liberalville. Yep, I live in this incredible bubble of nearly manic liberalism. Heck, even the liberals here think Chapel Hill is a little far to the left. It is an interesting situation really. At s...
I read articles, posts, and blog entries from folks with a strong Democratic/liberal tilt to them. They have so much passion, so much feeling, so much energy behind their support of one candidate or principle. And then equally articulate, passionate, and intelligent Republican/conservative people reply. Or vice versa. And you know what? In a way I envy them. I am truly a man without a party. I grew up in Utah, a bastion of conservative thinking and was registered as a Republican fo...