It's a double standard, and frankly I am sick of it. I am talking about dress codes. Yes, that's right. I am. Men of the world, unite! Throw off the ties that so egregiously weigh you down, decrease your respiratory rate, and just flap in a most absurd manner in the wind! Give those wingtips the boot and take your 17½-36-37 dress shirt and tell it where to go! Professional dress my foot. Just another chance for those XX people in the world to stick it to us XYers. The inequalit...
It's a double standard, and frankly I am sick of it. I am talking about dress codes. Yes, that's right. I am. Men of the world, unite! Throw off the ties that so egregiously weigh you down, decrease your respiratory rate, and just flap in a most absurd manner in the wind! Give those wingtips the boot and take your 17½-36-37 dress shirt and tell it where to go! Professional dress my foot. Just another chance for those XX people in the world to stick it to us XYers. The inequalit...
. . .and step away from the urinal! Spray, drippage, flush flings, all sorts of stuff flying around the bathroom. And someone thinks that would be a good place to eat? I just walked into the bathroom here by my office and there was a medical student, standing at the urinal, aiming with one hand, eating a donut with the other. And yes, he was eating. Not just holding it. Taking bites. While he peed. I don't think I would do that. Change that. I know I wouldn't do that. It is j...
. . .and step away from the urinal! Spray, drippage, flush flings, all sorts of stuff flying around the bathroom. And someone thinks that would be a good place to eat? I just walked into the bathroom here by my office and there was a medical student, standing at the urinal, aiming with one hand, eating a donut with the other. And yes, he was eating. Not just holding it. Taking bites. While he peed. I don't think I would do that. Change that. I know I wouldn't do that. It is j...
I will apologize up front to all true poets out there. This is a farce, a ridiculous attempt that I would never call poetry for fear of insulting real poetry out there. But I had fun. Congested nose, all plugged with snot I walk, barely breathing, through the parking lot I sniffle and snuffle Eyes blurry, I shuffle A Kleenex, a Kleenex I cry to the sky Wondering why did I not bring one, why? I can take it no more, I must get it out A devious plan erases my pout Look to the le...
I will apologize up front to all true poets out there. This is a farce, a ridiculous attempt that I would never call poetry for fear of insulting real poetry out there. But I had fun. Congested nose, all plugged with snot I walk, barely breathing, through the parking lot I sniffle and snuffle Eyes blurry, I shuffle A Kleenex, a Kleenex I cry to the sky Wondering why did I not bring one, why? I can take it no more, I must get it out A devious plan erases my pout Look to the le...
This morning I realized my body has, though not of its own accord, become a factory. I awoke this morning, struggling for air as my respiratory passages were quite neatly and very nearly completely glued shut. Yes, I have become a veritable snot manufacturing plant. Fascinating, isn't it? And so, after stumbling out of bed, I began the laborious process of breathing again. This involved lots of coughing and hacking, face turning red, veins throbbing, leaning over the sink so I ma...
This morning I realized my body has, though not of its own accord, become a factory. I awoke this morning, struggling for air as my respiratory passages were quite neatly and very nearly completely glued shut. Yes, I have become a veritable snot manufacturing plant. Fascinating, isn't it? And so, after stumbling out of bed, I began the laborious process of breathing again. This involved lots of coughing and hacking, face turning red, veins throbbing, leaning over the sink so I ma...
The election draws near. The tension builds. The flames are flying along with the insults. The fate of a nation hangs in the balance. Erm, perhaps I am exaggerating a bit. Maybe I need to relax, kick back and laugh at a little political humor. So let Halloween offer you some good, old fashioned, offensive political humor. Terrifying political Halloween costumes! If you are offended go read this . And for Pete's sake (that would be me, the poster here) laugh a little.
The election draws near. The tension builds. The flames are flying along with the insults. The fate of a nation hangs in the balance. Erm, perhaps I am exaggerating a bit. Maybe I need to relax, kick back and laugh at a little political humor. So let Halloween offer you some good, old fashioned, offensive political humor. Terrifying political Halloween costumes! If you are offended go read this . And for Pete's sake (that would be me, the poster here) laugh a little.
As I am planning on going into Urology I have been questioned on more than one occasion why I would want to do that. Well, I am not going to answer that in this blog. Rather I am going to pass along an old joke my High School physics teacher told us. Remember that back when this was told to me the word "queer" meant odd. Two best friends decided to go to medical school. Upon completing their time and their residencies they decided to go into practice together. One was a proctologist, ...
As I am planning on going into Urology I have been questioned on more than one occasion why I would want to do that. Well, I am not going to answer that in this blog. Rather I am going to pass along an old joke my High School physics teacher told us. Remember that back when this was told to me the word "queer" meant odd. Two best friends decided to go to medical school. Upon completing their time and their residencies they decided to go into practice together. One was a proctologist, ...
Sitting calmly, working away on my computer I reach up and brush my upper lip, hunting an elusive tickle that is afflicting my every breath. Fearing some phlegmatic detritus, I brush away, looking for the fearsome boogers. But none are discovered. There must be another source, another bur under my saddle. I reach up again, making sure no one is looking, and brush the actual nostril. Now I know what you are thinking. No, I am not picking, just brushing. The distinction is not only i...
Sitting calmly, working away on my computer I reach up and brush my upper lip, hunting an elusive tickle that is afflicting my every breath. Fearing some phlegmatic detritus, I brush away, looking for the fearsome boogers. But none are discovered. There must be another source, another bur under my saddle. I reach up again, making sure no one is looking, and brush the actual nostril. Now I know what you are thinking. No, I am not picking, just brushing. The distinction is not only i...
It happens again and again. Every time I see it I wince. I wonder why it is funny, I know it shouldn't be funny. But every time it still makes us laugh. Face it, we just love to see guys getting smacked in the jimmies. "The family jewels', "the boys", "the 'nads", and so on. We have a thousand names for them, and a thousand ways to hit 'em. Kicked, punched, head butted, baseballs, hockey pucks, bats, golf clubs, and just about anything else you can think of. And we continue to fin...