A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
BlueDev's Articles In Gadgets & Electronics
May 18, 2006 by BlueDev
Now, I know that material things really aren't the measure of how much you love a person.  But, they can serve as demonstrations.  And my wife just shocked me this afternoon.  Big time. Meet my new toy: Yep.  She brought me home an XBox 360.  I had a suspicion that she was going to get me an XBox.  But when I opened the bag and saw a 360, well, I was astonished.  I know that, for a lot here, that isn't probably a big deal.  But th...
December 17, 2004 by BlueDev
My wife and I fought it for as long as we could. We tried to avoid it, we convinced ourselves and others that we didn't need to, that we didn't want to, that we could get along without it. But we were wrong. And so, kicking and screaming, we have entered the cellular age. I don't necessarily have anything against cell phones, but we didn't see the need, didn't want the expense, and thought we could avoid it. I will admit to having some attraction to fighting it for a while, but no go...