A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
BlueDev's Articles In Internet
November 17, 2004 by BlueDev
I don't know the source of this. I wish I could credit the original author, but I can't. I just happened to find this flash movie and thought it was great. Missiles, infantry, tanks, fighter planes, subs and more, all ASCII characters. Plus a killer Rammstein song to boot. Check it out. ASCII movie goodness here!
January 28, 2005 by BlueDev
So recently I have been toying around with Blog Navigator. I like it (though there are some features I really would like to see in it - spell checker!!!), and I like being able to gather a bunch of RSS feeds into one spot. Great program. Trouble is, I never used RSS feeds too much in the past, so I don't have many feeds. I would like to collect some more, so I am asking for suggestions. What are you favorite RSS feeds? So far I have a collection of blogs from here, news links from C...
January 21, 2006 by BlueDev
I love the StumbleUpon extension for Firefox. It is one of the world's greatest time wasters. While stumbling, I came across this little 'game', that is very cool. Clikety, click So far my largest chain reaction is 1290. What can you get?
December 15, 2005 by BlueDev
Perhaps this reveals just what a loser I am, the fact that I have to come here begging for e-friends. Nevertheless, here I am, doing just that. I received an invitation to participate in the beta for Windows Live Messenger, the next generation of the whole MSN messenger and such. The thing is, since I don't use my MSN email address that much, I don't have that many contacts who are on MSN (or Hotmail, you know the game). I would like to actually test this new software, so I am humbly as...
December 7, 2005 by BlueDev
My blog has served as an outlet. Even at times something of a confessional. The time has come again. I must confess. Forgive me bloggers, for I have sinned. I am addicted. To email accounts. Note, I didn't confess to being addicted to email. I don't think I really am. Yes, I check it regularly, particularly a few weeks ago when it was high time for interview invitations to be sent out. But I don't spend inordinate amounts of time reading or writing emails. In fact, if a...
April 6, 2005 by BlueDev
I received an invitation to Yahoo!'s new 360 program (currently in beta stage). It is sort of meta blogging, community based site that allows you to post blogs, lists, link to friends, photos, write reviews, etc. I have only been playing for a day or so, but it is cool. I don't do this in any attempt to lure folks away from JU, but just to complement their online blogging experience. As mentioned in the subtitle I have 100 invites (a handful of which I am going to reserve for family...
April 1, 2007 by BlueDev
You know, Google just keeps amazing.  Their most recent announcement is probably the biggest yet: Free wireless broadband for everyone. Just go check it out and sign up today! I know I have.
January 30, 2007 by BlueDev
Years ago I wrote a blog about Audioscrobbler.  It went so completely unnoticed that I am not even going to bother digging it up.  But, with all the advancements in the idea and the site, I just had to come and share again.  Plus, perhaps some of you will sign up and add me as a friend.  I only have one so far. To make things nice and easy, Last.fm is a website that allows you to share your musical tastes with the world.  You, the user, create an account, download the...
July 25, 2006 by BlueDev
I try not to gush too much about things I find online, but this one is just too freaking cool. I am sitting here, at the hospital on an incredibly slow day (all the surgeons on my service are out of town, but I am on call, so here I sit), at a computer in the Resident's call room. Bored, sure, but not nearly as much as I was. I am jamming out to a little Deadsoul Tribe. But the cool thing is, it isn't on my iPod (well, it is, but I don't have it with me). It is on my home PC. Last ni...
June 2, 2006 by BlueDev
Note: This is being posted on my JU blog, but will likely end up crossposted to WC.  Not trying to SPAM the WC forums, as I am well aware of the screenshot section here as well as the monthly thread.  Sorry if this caused any confusion to the WCers. I have posted before here regarding my almost pathologic fascination with changing my computer's desktop.  I recently decided to just go ahead and indulge in that and start up a blog over at Blogger (due to the picture hosti...
May 23, 2006 by BlueDev
If someone else has passed this little tidbit along, I apologize. But I haven't seen it yet, so thought I would mention it. Skype , the very popular VOIP application (voice over IP) has announced that, at least until the end of the year 2006, it is free to call land lines via Skype, as long as both the caller and the callee are in the US or Canada. Skype is a great little program that allows people to make free "phone calls" from computer to computer. Calling computer to computer has alw...
May 19, 2006 by BlueDev
I have a lot of pet peeves.  Perhaps I am just wound too tight or something.  But I admit, there are lots of little things that bother me.  A little while back, San Chonino wrote an article about the idiotic use of capital and lower case letters all jumbled up.  That drives me nuts.  But I have noticed something that bothers me even more. People who cannot keep their online nickname the same. Now look, I like to switch things up as much as the next person.&nb...
March 17, 2006 by BlueDev
Yes, you heard me correctly. MySpace is a disease. And not just a benign disease either. This is a serious, aggerssive, pernicious disease. One that seems hell-bent on taking over the internet. In fact, this vile, filthy, perverted disease has risen to be in the top ten sites globally. Yes, top ten English sites in the world. Like a particularly aggressive cancer, it is consuming all in its path. Why do I call MySpace a disease? Just go over there and start looking at random sites. A...
February 19, 2006 by BlueDev
Here you go. Now, whenever you want to, you can pull my finger. Well, er, not mine exactly. But you get the idea. I am a disgusting boy, but I found this hilarious.