A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
BlueDev's Articles » Page 31
February 16, 2004 by BlueDev
In the short time I have been blogging here I have noticed something. There are a lot of people with a lot to say! Oh, and I am apparently not one of them. Now I don't mean that in any sort of derogatory sense for those who blog very frequently. I have come to visit my blog numerous times since my last entry (article just seems to auspicious a word for what I right), have sat there thinking I would like to write something. But I fail to come up with anything witty or smart, so I d...
February 11, 2004 by BlueDev
Epic today released what they are calling a "beta" demo for their upcoming first person shooter Unreal Tournament 2004 (henceforth to be known as UT2004). I had actually never played the original Unreal Tournament until the release of the UT2003 demo a while back. I found it so incredibly fun that I rushed out and purchased a copy of the original, then purchased the newer version a little while after release. And today Epic has cemented in my mind one simple fact. Yes, I will be buying yet...
February 8, 2004 by BlueDev
Music is often regarded as the universal language (or at least one of the universal languages-don't want to upset those math fans out there!). We find it everywhere we turn: in our homes, in the car, in stores and businesses, the movies, on television. In fact I would go so far as to say that music has now permeated just about every aspect of our lives. It is obvious that it is important to our lives, otherwise it would not be so prominent. So this begs a question: Why does the popular mu...
February 7, 2004 by BlueDev
In other words, why am I doing this? To be quite frank, I have never really understood the idea behind blogs. But they seem popular, folks like to do them. But, do folks like to read them? Hmm, I am not sure, but I suppose this can be an experiment for me to find out. Perhaps I really do come up with things I want to write, perhaps I really do think sometimes. But that has yet to be seen. And so I embark on the adventure of internet blogging.