I'm a ho. Really. I am. I am a HO. House Officer, that is. And after 6 weeks of this, I feel like I am sort of starting to get the hang of things. There is still way too much I don't know, and I don't even know just how much I don't know at this time. But I am learning every day, and I am getting more comfortable with being a HO. I get dozens of ridiculous pages every day. Some are from nurses who know better, but have to make the call anyway.&...
They say you are only as old as you feel. Crap, I must be close to retirement today. I decided that I was decidedly sick and tired of not having time to exercise. So Saturday I resolved to start riding my bike to work. I don't live that far from the hospital, only about 4-5 miles. But heading to the hospital is, well, uphill. All the way. One long, uphill ride. It makes the ride home a lot of fun. But the ride up, well. . . I'm feeling a bit ...
It is that time of year again. You know, that one day where some people try to make you celebrate that one thing you did all those years ago. That being born thing. Not that I really remember doing anything that day worth celebrating, least of all for 30 freaking years. But oh well. The kids like it, so I play along for their sake. The rumor is they are pretty excited about my cake. Usually I will pick what I want (and it usually isn't cake-I am much more of a pie person), but this year...
Warning: This will be scattered. Bear with me, or feel free to stop reading. -The move to New Hampshire really went better than we could have even hoped for. The help from my family was invaluable. When I think about how hard it would have been had they not sacrificed their vacation to help us, I can't even begin to think about how overwhelming it would have been. I have a pretty amazing family. -Board scores are back, everything is in order, I start as a doctor on ...
The time has come. There is no other option. It was inevitable. Time to move on. That's right. Monday, June 12th, we leave our snug little home in North Carolina (which we really have come to love) and head up north to our (even more snug and little) home in New Hampshire. Preparations for the move, along with just the head games of getting everything in order, have pretty much sapped me of my will and desire to blog. It will return, of that I have no doubt. ...
Well, let's try this for the third time. . . I am officially done with "school". I have been hooded, Pres. Broadhead bestowed upon us the degree of Medical Doctor, and I have my diploma. I have to be honest, given that this has been a goal for well over half my life, and something to which I have been working since High School, it is great to be done with this portion of my training. No, I haven't finished residency, but I am a Dr. now. Have a peek at some of our gr...
The following is a public service announcement: The tree always wins. I have seen lots of tree/car collisions. The tree always wins. The cars often put up a good fight, valiantly struggling to the end. But in the end, the tree remains the victor. Even if it is broken in half. The real losers are those in the car. They NEVER win.
As we wander our path through life, almost all of us will have tangential meetings with the Reaper a time or two before our final, personal reckoning. But some of us meet him a bit more often than that. Death quietly, continuously stalks the halls of the ICU, peering over our shoulders as we struggle and fight to keep him out. Or at least to delay his inevitable arrival. Perhaps in other cultures, he is not so feared and worshipped at the same time. Bu...
I don't know why, but I realized today that lately I have been all out of sorts. I have made a number of uncharacteristically rude comments online (at other sites), have been quick to anger at times, and just generally unpleasant. I wish I knew why, so I could put a stop to it. I suppose I will just have to try harder. Though letting it out now and then sure is fun. . .
I have been a student for a long time. It has been a total of 22 years now. That is, obviously, the majority of my life. I am used to being a student, with all that entails. And there is one thing that being a student doesn't generally entail. Benefits. While I will still be in training, it suddenly dawned on me that I will be employed. And with employment comes benefits. And in our case, Dartmouth-Hitchcock has some pretty nice benefits. I was inv...
Yes, I am a geek. No question about it, I don't try to hide it. My latest expression of geekdom is the following : Yes, I went into Best Buy with my little son and a digital camera. Yes, I took a picture of him playing the a box of Galactic Civlizations II. And yes, I did it to win a Galactic Civilizations II T-Shirt. And I won! There is my little man, Gal Civ II in hand, having a good old time playing with the box. So now, thanks to the friendly folks at Stardock I will be getting ...
Remember, back in High School how they took attendance? You could only miss so many days and then you got in trouble. Had to have any and all absences "excused". Boy, that was great. Wasn't it? Well, after getting a Bachelor's, and now only weeks away from having my MD, apparently I am in High School again. My current four week rotation is the famed Capstone course. It is a new, one of a kind course in which they cram everything they fear the may have missed i...
I have discovered that I really enjoy going for walks. So, during my lunch time I head for a walk around Duke's campus. It is a delightful little 3 mile loop during which I thoroughly enjoy my iPod with one of the great albums I have on there or with perhaps the Poweruser.tv podcast. It helps burn a few extra calories each day, helps increase the circulation to my gray matter and just gets me out in the sun. It has also taught me something I found quite exciting. I...
Just over a week ago, tragedy struck. One of the students at my medical school tragically took her own life. I didn't know her personally, though I did recognize her. She always had a smile on her face and seemed to be a wonderful, positive person. It is a sad demonstration that no one is immune when it comes to depression. My heart goes out to her family, her friends, and most of all to her. When I was younger, and much more naive, I didn't understand how someo...
I am feeling quite lonely Three days now that my wife has been gone. In the past, this has happened when I was in the middle of a busy rotation. So I was at school all day, too tired when I came home to really even notice. Sleep a couple of hours and then run all day at the hospital. No time to feel lonely. Not this time. This time, since I have the girls with me still, I have had to take some time off of school. Just me and the girls. We have had ...