A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
BlueDev's Articles In Entertainment
April 20, 2006 by BlueDev
"If you were a true fan. . ."   Then what?  If I were a true fan I would unquestioningly love everything from group X, every movie from director Y, every book by author Q, etc.  And I would make sure that I vehemently berated and lambasted anyone who disagreed.  I would, in no uncertain terms, remind those who didn't "get" whatever the item may be that, if they were true fans, they would grovel at the feet of the artist.   Case in point: Tool.   Good band.&nb...
December 9, 2005 by BlueDev
They are out! The announcements of the Grammy nominees! Yeah! Not. Every year the Grammies are announced, the music industry spends countless hours and dollars flattering themselves, and we, the masses, are willingly force fed some of the most shallow, insipid, and vacuous music that has been created. We eat it up, rushing to purchase Grammy nominated tripe, tuning in to see the artists, adding to the general buzz and bluster. Idiotic. Every year I lament the state of mus...
December 6, 2005 by BlueDev
My love of music is certainly not unknown. As such, I have decided I will start posting my album reviews here at my main blog, rather than at my blog group, simply because there they are easy to miss. Enjoy or not, either way is fine by me.
October 26, 2005 by BlueDev
El Cielo By: Dredg Year: 2002 Click here for the artists site Some albums are positively disturbing. Perhaps it is the thematic content, perhaps it is the music itself. Or, in the case of 'El Cielo' by Dredg, some albums are disturbing because they are just too impossibly good. What may be even more disturbing is that this is only the band's second full-length album. I have my brother to thank for introducing me to Dredg. I had never heard of him until we were dis...