In a recently released audio recording, Osama bin Laden is reportedly stating that Zacarias Moussaoui was not involved in the 9/11 attacks. He continues to assert that no one in Guantanamo Bay was involved in the attacks either. Now, obviously, I cannot say one way or the other for certain. However, I see absolutely no reason to believe bin Laden on this. This seems like the very kind of thing that he would do. Terrorists are all about terror. And terror is something in your head. It is a...
That is right. I am ashamed to be "BlueDev". In fact, sufficiently ashamed that I may change my nick completely. All thanks to the Duke Mens Lacrosse team . And I know I am not the only one. There are hundreds, even thousands of us who are sickened by the whole affair. The team has been suspended from playing the rest of the season. If it is found out that the accusations are true, a whole lot more better happen. Sickened. Just sickene...
What an amazingly, wonderfully happy bit of news this morning. Jill Carroll has been freed. It has been some time since there was news about her. Of course, the meant that there were probably many who had sort of forgotten about her (I know I had to a degree). But to hear this morning that she is alive, well, and free, it was wonderful to hear. To Jill and her family, God bless and we are so happy for the joy you all must be feeling at this time.
Throw away your iPod. Toss out the Zen. Nuke your Nomad. Apparently the RIAA no longer thinks that ripping your CDs to put on a portable music player is covered under "fair use". And don't you dare back up those CDs either, you miserable little thief. Even though, for a while now, they have been telling us it was okay to rip our CDs to put on a computer or portable music device, they have changed their minds. Now we need to get individual permission from whoever holds the copyright....
Think back a few years. Michael "Nutjob" Jackson leans over the railing of a hotel balcony in Germany, dangling his small son over the edge. Outrage erupts. The man (very loose application of the term there) just may be unfit to be a parent! I am sure that those of us with a modicum of common sense say it all and said, "No kidding." Well, it has happened again. This time the perpetrator is pop princess (aka attention whore) Britney Spears. She was seen "fleeing" paparazzi in her SU...
I think it is now official. There can be no denying it. Just look at Hollywood and the media and it should be obvious. Being homosexual confers upon you magical, mystical powers. Homosexuality is the instant tool to elevate something from the blasé to the avant-garde. Take, for instance, tonight's Golden Globe awards. One of the front-runners in numerous categories is the acclaimed movie "Brokeback Mountain". Now, I haven't seen this movie, but I do know that every single time it w...
Note: This is in no way related to the number of CPS articles that have been posted here, so if I got your hopes up, sorry, I am sure you will get over it. Britney Spears is a genius. Really, she is. Just look at her public life. It is evident we are dealing with some sort of superior, advanced stage of evolutionary intellectual development. I mean it. Just look at her latest rumored move: Stunningly smart! Yep, things have been apparently tough for her and Cletus these day...
Day in, day out. The flood continues. And the bile rises. The cover of magazines, newspapers, news programs, the front page of the internet (depending on what your home page is), and even dedicated television programs. Celebrity news. We can't seem to get away from it. Our obsession with celebrities continues to increase, seemingly exponentially, while the collective cultural IQ plummets. I for one am getting downright sick of it. While there are still real works of art out th...
Ahoy lads and lassies o' JoeUser. T' time quickly approaches for us t' let our true pirate selves be known. 'Tis right, me mateys! Sunday the 19th is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Little boys and girls who have all grown up have yet another chance t' pull out their cutlasses and swash some buckles on this joyous day o' days! Now, talkin' like a pirate might not be your thin'. In fact, you might find it downright juvenile. T' those who think thus, I simply say. . . Arrrr, you bil...